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Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3pm) - phpMan

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Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3pm)  User Contributed Perl Documentation  Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3pm)

       Mixin::Linewise::Writers - get linewise writers for strings and filenames

       version 0.111

         package Your::Pkg;
         use Mixin::Linewise::Writers -writers;

         sub write_handle {
           my ($self, $data, $handle) = @_;

           $handle->print("datum: $_\n") for @$data;


         use Your::Pkg;

         Your::Pkg->write_file($data, $filename);

         Your::Pkg->write_string($data, $string);

         Your::Pkg->write_handle($data, $fh);

       This module should work on any version of perl still receiving updates from the Perl 5
       Porters.  This means it should work on any version of perl released in the last two to
       three years.  (That is, if the most recently released version is v5.40, then this module
       should work on both v5.40 and v5.38.)

       Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum
       required version will not be increased.  The version may be increased for any reason, and
       there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl.

       "write_file" and "write_string" are exported by default.  Either can be requested
       individually, or renamed.  They are generated by Sub::Exporter, so consult its
       documentation for more information.

       Both can be generated with the option "method" which requests that a method other than
       "write_handle" is called with the created IO::Handle.

       If given a "binmode" option, any "write_file" type functions will use that as an IO layer,
       otherwise, the default is "encoding(UTF-8)".

         use Mixin::Linewise::Writers -writers => { binmode => "raw" };
         use Mixin::Linewise::Writers -writers => { binmode => "encoding(iso-8859-1)" };

         Your::Pkg->write_file($data, $filename);
         Your::Pkg->write_file($data, $options, $filename);

       This method will try to open a new file with the given name.  It will then call
       "write_handle" with that handle.

       An optional hash reference may be passed before $filename with options.  The only valid
       option currently is "binmode", which overrides any default set from "use" or the built-in

       Any arguments after $filename are passed along after to "write_handle".

         my $string = Your::Pkg->write_string($data);
         my $string = Your::Pkg->write_string(\%option, $data);

       "write_string" will create a new handle on the given string, then call "write_handle" to
       write to that handle, and return the resulting string.  Because handles on strings must be
       octet-oriented, the string will contain octets.  It will be opened in the default binmode
       established by importing.  (See "EXPORTS", above, and the options, below.)

       Any arguments after $data are passed along after to "write_handle".

       Like "write_file", this method can take a leading hashref with one valid argument:

       Ricardo SIGNES <cpan AT semiotic.systems>

       This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Ricardo SIGNES.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

perl v5.20.2                                2022-12-31              Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3pm)

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