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ref(1234) - phpMan

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__skb_frag_ref (9)   - take an addition reference on a paged fragment.
__skb_frag_unref (9) - release a reference on a paged fragment.
__skb_header_release (9) - release reference to header
ablkcipher_request_set_tfm (9) - update cipher handle reference in request
aead_request_set_tfm (9) - update cipher handle reference in request
ahash_request_set_tfm (9) - update cipher handle reference in request
apt_preferences (5)  - Preference control file for APT
ata_scsi_qc_new (9)  - acquire new ata_queued_cmd reference
avc_entry_ref_init (3) - obtain and audit SELinux access decisions
B::Xref (3perl)      - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
bdgrab (9)           - - Grab a reference to an already referenced block device
bio_put (9)          - release a reference to a bio
Cache::SizeAwareFileCache (3pm) - - extends Cache::FileCache
clk_get (9)          - lookup and obtain a reference to a clock producer.
CPAN::Distroprefs (3perl) - - read and match distroprefs
Data::Perl::Code (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl coderefs.
Data::Perl::Role::Code (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl coderefs.
deactivate_locked_super (9) - drop an active reference to superblock
deactivate_super (9) - drop an active reference to superblock
dev_hold (9)         - get reference to device
dev_put (9)          - release reference to device
devm_clk_get (9)     - lookup and obtain a managed reference to a clock produ...
dget_dlock (9)       - get a reference to a dentry
dma_buf_put (9)      - decreases refcount of the buffer
doveadm-purge (1)    - Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files
dwww-refresh-cache (8) - rebuilds dwww cache directory
enum_probe_type (9)  - device driver probe type to try Device drivers may opt...
eventfd_ctx_fdget (9) - Acquires a reference to the internal eventfd context.
eventfd_ctx_fileget (9) - Acquires a reference to the internal eventfd context.
eventfd_ctx_get (9)  - Acquires a reference to the internal eventfd context.
eventfd_ctx_put (9)  - Releases a reference to the internal eventfd context.
eventfd_fget (9)     - Acquire a reference of an eventfd file descriptor.
fence_get (9)        - increases refcount of the fence
fence_put (9)        - decreases refcount of the fence
generic_pipe_buf_get (9) - get a reference to a struct pipe_buffer
generic_pipe_buf_release (9) - put a reference to a struct pipe_buffer
get_device (9)       - increment reference count for device.
git-bundle (1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-check-ref-format (1) - Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-fetch (1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-for-each-ref (1) - Output information on each ref
git-ls-remote (1)    - List references in a remote repository
git-pack-refs (1)    - Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-push (1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-reflog (1)       - Manage reflog information
git-remote-fd (1)    - Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-replace (1)      - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-show-ref (1)     - List references in a local repository
git-symbolic-ref (1) - Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
git-update-ref (1)   - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
I18N::LangTags::Detect (3perl) - detect the user's language preferences
i2c_use_client (9)   - increments the reference count of the i2c client struc...
iio_buffer_get (9)   - Grab a reference to the buffer
iio_buffer_put (9)   - Release the reference to the buffer
isatty (3)           - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
kobject_get (9)      - increment refcount for object.
kobject_put (9)      - decrement refcount for object.
list_empty_careful (9) - tests whether a list is empty and not being modified
Mail::Message::Convert::TextAutoformat (3pm) - Reformat plain text messages
man (1)              - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
Mason::Manual::Syntax (3pm) - Mason component syntax reference
mdoc (7)             - quick reference guide for the -mdoc macro package
Memoize::ExpireFile (3perl) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
ModPerl::PerlRunPrefork (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
ModPerl::RegistryPrefork (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
Module::Build::API (3perl) - API Reference for Module Authors
Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BinaryTree_A... (3pm) - Demonstrates various attribu...
Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_Instan... (3pm) - Creating a glob reference me...
Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait... (3pm) - Helper trait for ArrayRef at...
Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait... (3pm) - Helper trait for CodeRef att...
Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait... (3pm) - Helper trait for HashRef att...
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Paramete... (3pm) - Type constraints which can t...
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Paramete... (3pm) - Type constraints with a boun...
Net::Server::PreFork (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::PreForkSimple (3pm) - Net::Server personality
netdev_txq_bql_complete_prefetchw (9) - prefetch bql data for write
netdev_txq_bql_enqueue_prefetchw (9) - prefetch bql data for write
nologin (8)          - politely refuse a login
pagecache_get_page (9) - find and get a page reference
papersize (5)        - specify preferred paper size
parport_get_port (9) - increment a port's reference count
parport_put_port (9) - decrement a port's reference count
path_get (9)         - get a reference to a path
path_put (9)         - put a reference to a path
pci_create_slot (9)  - create or increment refcount for physical PCI slot
pci_destroy_slot (9) - decrement refcount for physical PCI slot
pci_dev_get (9)      - increments the reference count of the pci device struc...
pcre16_refcount (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_refcount (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_refcount (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
perlobj (1)          - Perl object reference
perlref (1)          - Perl references and nested data structures
perlreftut (1)       - Mark's very short tutorial about references
perlreref (1)        - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
perlxs (1)           - XS language reference manual
precat (1)           - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
preunzip (1)         - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
prezip (1)           - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
prezip-bin (1)       - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
put_device (9)       - decrement reference count.
REFRESH_MATERIALIZED_VIEW (7) - replace the contents of a materialized view
regulator_get (9)    - lookup and obtain a reference to a regulator.
ri (1)               - Ruby API reference front end
ri2.1 (1)            - Ruby API reference front end
rio_dev_get (9)      - Increments the reference count of the RIO device struc...
rrdgraph_graph (1)   - rrdtool graph command reference
sas_port_get_phy (9) - try to take a reference on a port member
scsi_device_get (9)  - get an additional reference to a scsi_device
scsi_device_put (9)  - release a reference to a scsi_device
scsi_host_get (9)    - inc a Scsi_Host ref count
scsi_host_lookup (9) - get a reference to a Scsi_Host by host no
scsi_host_put (9)    - dec a Scsi_Host ref count
scsi_target_reap_ref_release (9) - remove target from visibility
sd-readahead (3)     - Reference implementation of APIs for controlling boot-...
selinux_status_close (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without invoca...
selinux_status_deny_unknown (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without...
selinux_status_getenforce (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without i...
selinux_status_open (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without invocat...
selinux_status_policyload (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without i...
selinux_status_updated (3) - reference the SELinux kernel status without invo...
skb_clone_sk (9)     - create clone of skb, and take reference to socket
skb_dst_is_noref (9) - Test if skb dst isn't refcounted
skb_dst_set_noref (9) - sets skb dst, hopefully, without taking reference
skb_frag_page (9)    - retrieve the page referred to by a paged fragment
skb_frag_ref (9)     - take an addition reference on a paged fragment of an skb.
skb_frag_unref (9)   - release a reference on a paged fragment of an skb.
skb_get (9)          - reference buffer
skb_header_release (9) - release reference to header
skb_page_frag_refill (9) - check that a page_frag contains enough room
skcipher_request_set_tfm (9) - update cipher handle reference in request
slapd-dnssrv (5)     - DNS SRV referral backend to slapd
slapo-refint (5)     - Referential Integrity overlay to slapd
snd_interval_list (9) - refine the interval value from the list
snd_interval_ranges (9) - refine the interval value from the list of ranges
snd_interval_ratnum (9) - refine the interval value
snd_interval_refine (9) - refine the interval value of configurator
snd_pcm_hw_param_first (9) - refine config space and return minimum value
snd_pcm_hw_param_last (9) - refine config space and return maximum value
sq_flush_range (9)   - Flush (prefetch) a specific SQ range
srp_rport_get (9)    - increment rport reference count
srp_rport_put (9)    - decrement rport reference count
strcspn (3)          - get length of a prefix substring
strspn (3)           - get length of a prefix substring
struct_w1_family (9) - reference counted family structure.
Sub::Identify (3pm)  - Retrieve names of code references
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP (3perl) - Stream output from raw TAP in a ...
Tie::RefHash (3perl) - use references as hash keys
Type::Registry (3pm) - a glorified hashref for looking up type constraints
Types::Standard::ArrayRef (3pm) - internals for the Types::Standard ArrayRef ...
Types::Standard::HashRef (3pm) - internals for the Types::Standard HashRef ty...
Types::Standard::ScalarRef (3pm) - internals for the Types::Standard ScalarRe...
units (7)            - decimal and binary prefixes
UNIVERSAL (3perl)    - base class for ALL classes (blessed references)
unlink (2)           - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
unlinkat (2)         - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
usb_get_dev (9)      - increments the reference count of the usb device struc...
usb_get_intf (9)     - increments the reference count of the usb interface st...
usb_get_urb (9)      - increments the reference count of the urb
w3mman (1)           - an interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
xdg-email (1)        - command line tool for sending mail using the user's pr...
xdg-open (1)         - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
xdr_reference (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xprt_get (9)         - return a reference to an RPC transport.
xprt_put (9)         - release a reference to an RPC transport.
xrefresh (1)         - refresh all or part of an X screen
xset (1)             - user preference utility for X

rootr.net - man pages