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VMM(1) vmm VMM(1)
vmm - command line tool to manage email domains/accounts/aliases
vmm subcommand [argument ...]
vmm (a virtual mail manager) is the easy to use command line tool for administrators and
postmasters to manage (alias) domains, accounts, aliases and relocated users. It allows
you to simply and quickly administer your mail server.
It's designed for Dovecot and Postfix with a PostgreSQL backend.
Each subcommand has both a long and a short form. The short form is shown enclosed in
parentheses. Both forms are case sensitive.
Most of the subcommands take one or more arguments.
address The complete e-mail address (local-part@fqdn) of an user account, alias
address or relocated user.
destination Is either an e-mail address when used with ALIAS SUBCOMMANDS. Or a fqdn when
fqdn The fully qualified domain name - without the trailing dot - of a domain or
alias domain.
messages An integer value which specifies a quota limit in number of messages. 0
(zero) means unlimited - no quota limit for the number of messages.
option is the name of a configuration option, prefixed with the section name and a
dot. For example: misc.transport
All configuration options are described in vmm.cfg(5).
service The name of a service, commonly used with Dovecot. Supported services are:
imap, pop3, sieve and smtp.
storage Specifies a quota limit in bytes. One of the following prefixes can be
appended to the integer value: b (bytes), k (kilobytes), M (megabytes) or G
(gigabytes). 0 (zero) means unlimited - no quota limit in bytes.
transport A transport for Postfix, written as: transport: or transport:nexthop. See
transport(5) for more details.
configget (cg)
vmm configget option
This subcommand is used to display the actual value of the given configuration option.
vmm configget misc.crypt_sha512_rounds
misc.crypt_sha512_rounds = 5000
getuser (gu)
vmm getuser uid
If only the uid is available, for example from process list, the subcommand getuser will
show the user's address.
vmm getuser 79876
Account information
UID............: 79876
GID............: 70704
Address........: a.user AT example.com
help (h)
vmm help [subcommand]
Prints a list of available subcommands with a short description to stdout. When a subcom‐
mand was given, help for that subcommand will be displayed. After this vmm exits.
listdomains (ld)
vmm listdomains [pattern]
This subcommand lists all available domains. All domain names will be prefixed either
with `[+]', if the domain is a primary domain, or with `[-]', if it is an alias domain
name. The output can be limited with an optional pattern.
To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or the end of
the pattern.
vmm listdomains %example%
Matching domains
[+] example.com
[-] e.g.example.com
[-] example.name
[+] example.net
[+] example.org
listaddresses (ll)
vmm listaddresses [pattern]
This command lists all defined addresses. Addresses belonging to alias-domains are pre‐
fixed with a '-', addresses of regular domains with a '+'. Additionally, the letters 'u',
'a', and 'r' indicate the type of each address: user, alias and relocated respectively.
The output can be limited with an optional pattern.
To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or the end of
the pattern.
vmm listaddresses example.com
vmm listaddresses %master@%
listaliases (la)
vmm listaliases [pattern]
This command lists all defined aliases. Aliases belonging to alias-domains are prefixed
with a '-', addresses of regular domains with a '+'. The output can be limited with an
optional pattern.
To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or the end of
the pattern.
vmm listaliases example.com
vmm listaliases %master@%
listrelocated (lr)
vmm listrelocated [pattern]
This command lists all defined relocated addresses. Relocated entries belonging to alias-
domains are prefixed with a '-', addresses of regular domains with a '+'. The output can
be limited with an optional pattern.
To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or the end of
the pattern.
vmm listrelocated example.com
vmm listrelocated %master@%
listusers (lu)
vmm listusers [pattern]
This command lists all user accounts. User accounts belonging to alias-domains are pre‐
fixed with a '-', addresses of regular domains with a '+'. The output can be limited with
an optional pattern.
To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or the end of
the pattern.
vmm listusers example.com
vmm listusers %master@%
listpwschemes (lp)
vmm listpwschemes
This subcommand lists all password schemes which could be used in the vmm.cfg as value of
the misc.password_scheme option. The output varies, depending on the used Dovecot version
and the system's libc.
When your Dovecot installation isn't too old, you will see additionally a few usable
encoding suffixes. One of them can be appended to the password scheme.
vmm listpwschemes
Usable password schemes
Usable encoding suffixes
.B64 .BASE64 .HEX
version (v)
vmm version
Prints vmm's version and copyright information to stdout. After this vmm exits.
domainadd (da)
vmm domainadd fqdn [transport]
Adds the new domain into the database and creates the domain directory.
If the optional argument transport is given, it will override the default transport
(domain.transport) from vmm.cfg. The specified transport will be the default transport
for all new accounts in this domain.
Configuration-related behavior:
When that option is set to true (default) vmm will automatically create the
postmaster account for the new domain and prompt for postmaster@fqdn's pass‐
When the value of that option is also set to true, vmm will automatically
create the postmaster account for the new domain and print the generated
postmaster password to stdout.
vmm domainadd support.example.com smtp:[mx1.example.com]:2025
Creating account for postmaster AT support.com
Enter new password:
Retype new password:
vmm cs account.random_password true
vmm domainadd sales.example.com
Creating account for postmaster AT sales.com
Generated password: pLJUQ6Xg_z
domaindelete (dd)
vmm domaindelete fqdn [force]
This subcommand deletes the domain specified by fqdn.
If there are accounts, aliases and/or relocated users assigned to the given domain, vmm
will abort the requested operation and show an error message. If you know, what you are
doing, you can specify the optional keyword force.
If you really always know what you are doing, edit your vmm.cfg and set the option
domain.force_deletion to true.
domaininfo (di)
vmm domaininfo fqdn [details]
This subcommand shows some information about the given domain.
For a more detailed information about the domain the optional argument details can be
specified. A possible details value can be one of the following six keywords:
accounts to list the e-mail addresses of all existing user accounts
aliasdomains to list all assigned alias domain names
aliases to list all available alias e-mail addresses
catchall to list all catch-all destinations
relocated to list the e-mail addresses of all relocated users
full to list all information mentioned above
vmm domaininfo sales.example.com
Domain information
Domain Name......: sales.example.com
GID..............: 70708
Domain Directory.: /srv/mail/c/70708
Quota Limit/User.: Storage: 500.00 MiB; Messages: 10,000
Active Services..: IMAP SIEVE
Transport........: lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
Alias Domains....: 0
Accounts.........: 1
Aliases..........: 0
Relocated........: 0
Catch-All Dests..: 1
domainquota (dq)
vmm domainquota fqdn storage [messages] [force]
This subcommand is used to configure a new quota limit for the accounts of the domain -
not for the domain itself.
The default quota limit for accounts is defined in the vmm.cfg (domain.quota_bytes and
The new quota limit will affect only those accounts for which the limit has not been over‐
ridden. If you want to restore the default to all accounts, you may pass the keyword
When the argument messages was omitted the default number of messages 0 (zero) will be
vmm domainquota example.com 1g force
domainservices (ds)
vmm domainservices fqdn [service ...] [force]
To define which services could be used by the users of the domain — with the given fqdn —
use this subcommand.
Each specified service will be enabled/usable. All other services will be deacti‐
vated/unusable. Possible service names are: imap, pop3, sieve and smtp.
The new service set will affect only those accounts for which the set has not been over‐
ridden. If you want to restore the default to all accounts, you may pass the keyword
domaintransport (dt)
vmm domaintransport fqdn transport [force]
A new transport for the indicated domain can be set with this subcommand.
The new transport will affect only those accounts for which the transport has not been
overridden. If you want to restore the default to all accounts, you may pass the keyword
vmm domaintransport support.example.com dovecot:
domainnote (do)
vmm domainnote fqdn [note]
With this subcommand, it is possible to attach a note to the specified domain. Without an
argument, an existing note is removed.
vmm do example.com Belongs to Robert
An alias domain is an alias for a domain that was previously added with the subcommand
domainadd. All accounts, aliases and relocated users from the domain will be also avail‐
able in the alias domain.
In the following is to be assumed that example.net is an alias for example.com.
Postfix will not accept erroneously e-mails for unknown.user AT example.net and bounce them
back later to the mostly faked sender. Postfix will immediately reject all e-mails
addressed to nonexistent users.
This behavior is ensured as long as you use the recommended database queries in your $con‐
fig_directory/pgsql-*.cf configuration files.
aliasdomainadd (ada)
vmm aliasdomainadd fqdn destination
This subcommand adds the new alias domain (fqdn) to the destination domain that should be
vmm aliasdomainadd example.net example.com
aliasdomaindelete (add)
vmm aliasdomaindelete fqdn
Use this subcommand if the alias domain fqdn should be removed.
vmm aliasdomaindelete e.g.example.com
aliasdomaininfo (adi)
vmm aliasdomaininfo fqdn
This subcommand shows to which domain the alias domain fqdn is assigned to.
vmm adi example.net
Alias domain information
The alias domain example.net belongs to:
* example.com
aliasdomainswitch (ads)
vmm aliasdomainswitch fqdn destination
If the destination of the existing alias domain fqdn should be switched to another desti‐
nation use this subcommand.
vmm aliasdomainswitch example.name example.org
useradd (ua)
vmm useradd address [password]
Use this subcommand to create a new e-mail account for the given address.
If the password is not provided, vmm will prompt for it interactively. When no password
is provided and account.random_password is set to true, vmm will generate a random pass‐
word and print it to stdout after the account has been created.
vmm ua d.user AT example.com "A 5ecR3t P4s5\/\/0rd"
vmm useradd e.user AT example.com
Enter new password:
Retype new password:
userdelete (ud)
vmm userdelete address [force]
Use this subcommand to delete the account with the given address.
If there are one or more aliases with an identical destination address, vmm will abort the
requested operation and show an error message. To prevent this, specify the optional key‐
word force.
userinfo (ui)
vmm userinfo address [details]
This subcommand displays some information about the account specified by address.
If the optional argument details is given some more information will be displayed. Possi‐
ble values for details are:
aliases to list all alias addresses with the destination address
du to display the disk usage of the user's mail directory. In order to summa‐
rize the disk usage each time this subcommand is executed automatically,
set account.disk_usage in your vmm.cfg to true.
full to list all information mentioned above
vmm ui d.user AT example.com
Account information
Address..........: d.user AT example.com
Name.............: None
UID..............: 79881
GID..............: 70704
Home.............: /srv/mail/2/70704/79881
Mail_Location....: mdbox:~/mdbox
Quota Storage....: [ 0.00%] 0/500.00 MiB
Quota Messages...: [ 0.00%] 0/10,000
Transport........: lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
SMTP.............: disabled
POP3.............: disabled
IMAP.............: enabled
SIEVE............: enabled
username (un)
vmm username address [name]
The user's real name can be set/updated with this subcommand.
If no name is given, the value stored for the account is erased.
vmm un d.user AT example.com "John Doe"
userpassword (up)
vmm userpassword address [password]
The password of an account can be updated with this subcommand.
If no password was provided, vmm will prompt for it interactively.
vmm up d.user AT example.com "A |\/|0r3 5ecur3 P4s5\/\/0rd?"
usernote (uo)
vmm usernote address [note]
With this subcommand, it is possible to attach a note to the specified account. Without an
argument, an existing note is removed.
vmm uo d.user AT example.com Only needed until end of May 2012
userquota (uq)
vmm userquota address storage [messages]
This subcommand is used to set a new quota limit for the given account.
When the argument messages was omitted the default number of messages 0 (zero) will be
Instead of storage pass the keyword domain to remove the account-specific override, caus‐
ing the domain's value to be in effect.
vmm userquota d.user AT example.com 750m
userservices (us)
vmm userservices address [service ...]
To grant a user access to the specified services, use this command.
All omitted services will be deactivated/unusable for the user with the given address.
Instead of service pass 'domain' to remove the account-specific override, causing the
domain's value to be in effect.
vmm userservices d.user AT example.com SMTP IMAP
usertransport (ut)
vmm usertransport address transport
A different transport for an account can be specified with this subcommand.
Instead of transport pass 'domain' to remove the account-specific override, causing the
domain's value to be in effect.
Assumed you want to use Dovecot's dsync(1) to convert a user's mailbox from Maildir format
to mdbox format, you can tell Postfix to retry later.
vmm ut d.user AT example.com "retry:4.0.0 Mailbox being migrated"
# convert the mailbox ... then set the transport to Dovecot's lmtp
vmm ut d.user AT example.com lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
aliasadd (aa)
vmm aliasadd address destination ...
This subcommand is used to create a new alias address with one or more destination
Within the destination address, the placeholders %n, %d, and %= will be replaced by the
local part, the domain, or the email address with '@' replaced by '=' respectively. In
combination with alias domains, this enables domain-specific destinations.
vmm aliasadd john.doe AT example.com d.user AT example.com
vmm aa support AT example.com d.user AT example.com e.user AT example.com
vmm aa postmaster AT example.com postmaster+%d AT example.org
aliasdelete (ad)
vmm aliasdelete address [destination ...]
This subcommand is used to delete one or multiple destinations from the alias with the
given address.
When no destination address was specified the alias with all its destinations will be
vmm ad support AT example.com d.user AT example.com
aliasinfo (ai)
vmm aliasinfo address
Information about the alias with the given address can be displayed with this subcommand.
vmm aliasinfo support AT example.com
Alias information
Mail for support AT example.com will be redirected to:
* e.user AT example.com
relocatedadd (ra)
vmm relocatedadd address newaddress
A new relocated user can be created with this subcommand.
address is the user's ex-email address, for example b.user AT example.com, and newaddress
points to the new email address where the user can be reached.
vmm relocatedadd b.user AT example.com b-user AT company.tld
relocatedinfo (ri)
vmm relocatedinfo address
This subcommand shows the new address of the relocated user with the given address.
vmm relocatedinfo b.user AT example.com
Relocated information
User `b.user AT example.com' has moved to `b-user AT company.tld'
relocateddelete (rd)
vmm relocateddelete address
Use this subcommand in order to delete the relocated user with the given address.
vmm relocateddelete b.user AT example.com
catchalladd (caa)
vmm catchalladd fqdn destination ...
This subcommand allows to specify destination addresses for a domain, which shall receive
mail addressed to unknown local parts within that domain. Those catch-all aliases hence
"catch all" mail to any address in the domain (unless a more specific alias, mailbox or
relocated entry exists).
WARNING: Catch-all addresses can cause mail server flooding because spammers like to
deliver mail to all possible combinations of names, e.g. to all addresses between
abba AT example.org and zztop AT example.org.
vmm catchalladd example.com user AT example.org
catchallinfo (cai)
vmm catchallinfo fqdn
This subcommand displays information about catch-all aliases defined for a domain.
vmm catchallinfo example.com
Catch-all information
Mail to unknown localparts in domain example.com will be sent to:
* user AT example.org
catchalldelete (cad)
vmm catchalldelete fqdn [destination ...]
With this subcommand, catch-all aliases defined for a domain can be removed, either all of
them, or those destinations which were specified explicitly.
vmm catchalldelete example.com user AT example.com
will be used when found.
will be used when the above file doesn't exist.
will be used when none of the both above mentioned files exists.
dsync(1), transport(5), vmm.cfg(5)
Project site
Bug tracker
vmm and its manual pages were written by Pascal Volk <user+vmm AT localhost.localdo‐
main.org> and are licensed under the terms of the BSD License.
vmm 0.6 2012-09-27 VMM(1)