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PANDOC(1) - phpMan

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PANDOC(1)                            General Commands Manual                            PANDOC(1)

       pandoc - general markup converter

       pandoc [options] [input-file]...

       Pandoc  is  a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a com‐
       mand-line tool that uses this library.  It can read markdown  and  (subsets  of)  Textile,
       reStructuredText,  HTML, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, Haddock markup, OPML, Emacs Org-mode and
       DocBook; and it can write plain text, markdown, reStructuredText,  XHTML,  HTML  5,  LaTeX
       (including beamer slide shows), ConTeXt, RTF, OPML, DocBook, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx,
       GNU Texinfo, MediaWiki markup, EPUB (v2 or v3), FictionBook2, Textile,  groff  man  pages,
       Emacs  Org-Mode,  AsciiDoc,  InDesign ICML, and Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides, reveal.js or S5
       HTML slide shows.  It can also produce PDF output on systems where LaTeX is installed.

       Pandoc's enhanced version of markdown includes  syntax  for  footnotes,  tables,  flexible
       ordered  lists,  definition  lists, fenced code blocks, superscript, subscript, strikeout,
       title blocks, automatic tables of contents, embedded LaTeX math, citations,  and  markdown
       inside HTML block elements.  (These enhancements, described below under Pandoc's markdown,
       can be disabled using the markdown_strict input or output format.)

       In contrast to most existing tools for converting markdown to HTML, which use  regex  sub‐
       stitutions, Pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text
       in a given format and produce a native representation of the document, and a set of  writ‐
       ers, which convert this native representation into a target format.  Thus, adding an input
       or output format requires only adding a reader or writer.

   Using pandoc
       If no input-file is specified, input is read from stdin.  Otherwise, the  input-files  are
       concatenated (with a blank line between each) and used as input.  Output goes to stdout by
       default (though output to stdout is disabled for the odt, docx,  epub,  and  epub3  output
       formats).  For output to a file, use the -o option:

              pandoc -o output.html input.txt

       Instead  of a file, an absolute URI may be given.  In this case pandoc will fetch the con‐
       tent using HTTP:

              pandoc -f html -t markdown http://www.fsf.org

       If multiple input files are given, pandoc will concatenate  them  all  (with  blank  lines
       between them) before parsing.

       The format of the input and output can be specified explicitly using command-line options.
       The input format can be specified using the -r/--read or  -f/--from  options,  the  output
       format  using the -w/--write or -t/--to options.  Thus, to convert hello.txt from markdown
       to LaTeX, you could type:

              pandoc -f markdown -t latex hello.txt

       To convert hello.html from html to markdown:

              pandoc -f html -t markdown hello.html

       Supported output formats are listed below under the -t/--to option.  Supported input  for‐
       mats  are listed below under the -f/--from option.  Note that the rst, textile, latex, and
       html readers are not complete; there are some constructs that they do not parse.

       If the input or output format is not specified explicitly, pandoc will attempt to guess it
       from the extensions of the input and output filenames.  Thus, for example,

              pandoc -o hello.tex hello.txt

       will  convert  hello.txt  from markdown to LaTeX.  If no output file is specified (so that
       output goes to stdout), or if the output file's extension is unknown,  the  output  format
       will  default to HTML.  If no input file is specified (so that input comes from stdin), or
       if the input files' extensions are unknown, the input format will be assumed to  be  mark‐
       down unless explicitly specified.

       Pandoc uses the UTF-8 character encoding for both input and output.  If your local charac‐
       ter encoding is not UTF-8, you should pipe input and output through iconv:

              iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | pandoc | iconv -f utf-8

   Creating a PDF
       Earlier versions of pandoc came with a program, markdown2pdf, that used pandoc and  pdfla‐
       tex  to  produce a PDF.  This is no longer needed, since pandoc can now produce pdf output
       itself.  To produce a PDF, simply specify an output file with a  .pdf  extension.   Pandoc
       will  create a latex file and use pdflatex (or another engine, see --latex-engine) to con‐
       vert it to PDF:

              pandoc test.txt -o test.pdf

       Production of a PDF requires that a LaTeX engine be installed (see --latex-engine, below),
       and  assumes  that  the following LaTeX packages are available: amssymb, amsmath, ifxetex,
       ifluatex, listings (if the --listings option is used), fancyvrb, longtable, booktabs, url,
       graphicx,  hyperref,  ulem,  babel  (if the lang variable is set), fontspec (if xelatex or
       lualatex is used as the LaTeX engine), xltxtra and xunicode (if xelatex is used).

       A user who wants a drop-in replacement for Markdown.pl may create a symbolic link  to  the
       pandoc  executable called hsmarkdown.  When invoked under the name hsmarkdown, pandoc will
       behave as if invoked with -f markdown_strict --email-obfuscation=references, and all  com‐
       mand-line  options  will be treated as regular arguments.  However, this approach does not
       work under Cygwin, due to problems with its simulation of symbolic links.

   General options
       -f FORMAT, -r FORMAT, --from=FORMAT, --read=FORMAT
              Specify input format.  FORMAT can be native (native Haskell), json (JSON version of
              native AST), markdown (pandoc's extended markdown), markdown_strict (original unex‐
              tended markdown), markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra extended  markdown),  mark‐
              down_github  (github extended markdown), textile (Textile), rst (reStructuredText),
              html (HTML), docbook (DocBook), opml (OPML), org (Emacs Org-mode), mediawiki (Medi‐
              aWiki  markup), haddock (Haddock markup), or latex (LaTeX).  If +lhs is appended to
              markdown, rst, latex, or html, the  input  will  be  treated  as  literate  Haskell
              source:  see  Literate  Haskell  support, below.  Markdown syntax extensions can be
              individually enabled or disabled by appending +EXTENSION or -EXTENSION to the  for‐
              mat  name.   So,  for example, markdown_strict+footnotes+definition_lists is strict
              markdown   with   footnotes   and   definition    lists    enabled,    and    mark‐
              down-pipe_tables+hard_line_breaks is pandoc's markdown without pipe tables and with
              hard line breaks.  See Pandoc's markdown, below, for a list of extensions and their

       -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT, --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT
              Specify  output  format.  FORMAT can be native (native Haskell), json (JSON version
              of native AST), plain (plain text), markdown (pandoc's  extended  markdown),  mark‐
              down_strict  (original  unextended markdown), markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown extra
              extended markdown), markdown_github (github extended markdown), rst  (reStructured‐
              Text),  html  (XHTML  1), html5 (HTML 5), latex (LaTeX), beamer (LaTeX beamer slide
              show), context (ConTeXt), man (groff man), mediawiki  (MediaWiki  markup),  textile
              (Textile),  org (Emacs Org-Mode), texinfo (GNU Texinfo), opml (OPML), docbook (Doc‐
              Book), opendocument (OpenDocument), odt  (OpenOffice  text  document),  docx  (Word
              docx),  rtf (rich text format), epub (EPUB v2 book), epub3 (EPUB v3), fb2 (Fiction‐
              Book2 e-book), asciidoc (AsciiDoc), icml (InDesign ICML),  slidy  (Slidy  HTML  and
              javascript  slide  show),  slideous (Slideous HTML and javascript slide show), dzs‐
              lides (DZSlides HTML5  +  javascript  slide  show),  revealjs  (reveal.js  HTML5  +
              javascript  slide  show),  s5 (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or the path of a
              custom lua writer (see Custom writers, below).  Note that odt, epub, and epub3 out‐
              put  will not be directed to stdout; an output filename must be specified using the
              -o/--output option.  If +lhs is appended to markdown, rst, latex, beamer, html,  or
              html5, the output will be rendered as literate Haskell source: see Literate Haskell
              support, below.  Markdown syntax extensions can be individually enabled or disabled
              by  appending +EXTENSION or -EXTENSION to the format name, as described above under

       -o FILE, --output=FILE
              Write output to FILE instead of stdout.  If FILE is -, output will  go  to  stdout.
              (Exception:  if the output format is odt, docx, epub, or epub3, output to stdout is

              Specify the user data directory to search for pandoc data files.  If this option is
              not specified, the default user data directory will be used.  This is


              in unix,

                     C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\pandoc

              in Windows XP, and


              in  Windows  7.   (You  can  find the default user data directory on your system by
              looking at  the  output  of  pandoc --version.)  A  reference.odt,  reference.docx,
              default.csl,  epub.css,  templates, slidy, slideous, or s5 directory placed in this
              directory will override pandoc's normal defaults.

       -v, --version
              Print version.

       -h, --help
              Show usage message.

   Reader options
       -R, --parse-raw
              Parse untranslatable HTML codes and  LaTeX  environments  as  raw  HTML  or  LaTeX,
              instead  of  ignoring  them.   Affects  only HTML and LaTeX input.  Raw HTML can be
              printed in markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides,  reveal.js,
              and  S5  output; raw LaTeX can be printed in markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, and
              ConTeXt output.  The default is for the readers to omit untranslatable  HTML  codes
              and  LaTeX  environments.  (The LaTeX reader does pass through untranslatable LaTeX
              commands, even if -R is not specified.)

       -S, --smart
              Produce typographically correct output, converting straight quotes to curly quotes,
              ---  to  em-dashes,  --  to en-dashes, and ... to ellipses.  Nonbreaking spaces are
              inserted after certain abbreviations, such as "Mr." (Note: This option is  signifi‐
              cant  only  when  the input format is markdown, markdown_strict, or textile.  It is
              selected automatically when the input format is textile or  the  output  format  is
              latex or context, unless --no-tex-ligatures is used.)

              Selects the pandoc <= behavior for parsing smart dashes: - before a numeral
              is an en-dash, and -- is an em-dash.  This option  is  selected  automatically  for
              textile input.

              Specify the base level for headers (defaults to 1).

              Specify  classes  to use for indented code blocks--for example, perl,numberLines or
              haskell.  Multiple classes may be separated by spaces or commas.

              Specify a default extension to use when image paths/URLs have no  extension.   This
              allows  you  to  use  the  same  source for formats that require different kinds of
              images.  Currently this option only affects the markdown and LaTeX readers.

              Specify an executable to be used as a filter transforming the Pandoc AST after  the
              input  is parsed and before the output is written.  The executable should read JSON
              from stdin and write JSON to stdout.  The JSON must be formatted like pandoc's  own
              JSON  input and output.  The name of the output format will be passed to the filter
              as the first argument.  Hence,

                     pandoc --filter ./caps.py -t latex

              is equivalent to

                     pandoc -t json | ./caps.py latex | pandoc -f json -t latex

              The latter form may be useful for debugging filters.

              Filters may be written in any language.  Text.Pandoc.JSON exports  toJSONFilter  to
              facilitate  writing filters in Haskell.  Those who would prefer to write filters in
              python  can  use  the   module   pandocfilters,   installable   from   PyPI.    See
              http://github.com/jgm/pandocfilters for the module and several examples.  Note that
              the EXECUTABLE will be sought in the user's PATH, and not in the working directory,
              if no directory is provided.  If you want to run a script in the working directory,
              preface the filename with ./.

       -M KEY[=VAL], --metadata=KEY[:VAL]
              Set the metadata field KEY to the value VAL.  A value specified on the command line
              overrides a value specified in the document.  Values will be parsed as YAML boolean
              or string values.  If no value is specified, the value will be treated  as  Boolean
              true.  Like --variable, --metadata causes template variables to be set.  But unlike
              --variable, --metadata affects the metadata of the underlying  document  (which  is
              accessible from filters and may be printed in some output formats).

              Normalize  the  document  after  reading:  merge adjacent Str or Emph elements, for
              example, and remove repeated Spaces.

       -p, --preserve-tabs
              Preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces (the default).  Note  that  this
              will  only  affect tabs in literal code spans and code blocks; tabs in regular text
              will be treated as spaces.

              Specify the number of spaces per tab (default is 4).

   General writer options
       -s, --standalone
              Produce output with an appropriate header and  footer  (e.g.   a  standalone  HTML,
              LaTeX,  or  RTF  file,  not a fragment).  This option is set automatically for pdf,
              epub, epub3, fb2, docx, and odt output.

              Use FILE as a custom template for the generated  document.   Implies  --standalone.
              See Templates below for a description of template syntax.  If no extension is spec‐
              ified, an extension corresponding to the writer  will  be  added,  so  that  --tem‐
              plate=special  looks  for  special.html  for  HTML  output.  If the template is not
              found, pandoc will search for it in the user data directory (see  --data-dir).   If
              this  option is not used, a default template appropriate for the output format will
              be used (see -D/--print-default-template).

       -V KEY[=VAL], --variable=KEY[:VAL]
              Set the template variable KEY to the value  VAL  when  rendering  the  document  in
              standalone  mode.  This is generally only useful when the --template option is used
              to specify a custom template, since pandoc automatically sets the variables used in
              the  default  templates.   If  no VAL is specified, the key will be given the value

       -D FORMAT, --print-default-template=FORMAT
              Print the default template for an output FORMAT.  (See -t for a  list  of  possible

              Print a default data file.

              Disable text wrapping in output.  By default, text is wrapped appropriately for the
              output format.

              Specify length of lines in characters (for text wrapping).

       --toc, --table-of-contents
              Include an automatically generated table of contents (or, in  the  case  of  latex,
              context,  and  rst,  an  instruction  to  create one) in the output document.  This
              option has no effect on man, docbook, slidy, slideous, s5, docx, or odt output.

              Specify the number of section levels to include in  the  table  of  contents.   The
              default is 3 (which means that level 1, 2, and 3 headers will be listed in the con‐

              Disables syntax highlighting for code blocks and  inlines,  even  when  a  language
              attribute is given.

              Specifies  the  coloring  style to be used in highlighted source code.  Options are
              pygments (the default), kate, monochrome, espresso, zenburn, haddock, and tango.

       -H FILE, --include-in-header=FILE
              Include contents of FILE, verbatim, at the end of the header.  This  can  be  used,
              for  example,  to include special CSS or javascript in HTML documents.  This option
              can be used repeatedly to include multiple files  in  the  header.   They  will  be
              included in the order specified.  Implies --standalone.

       -B FILE, --include-before-body=FILE
              Include  contents  of  FILE,  verbatim, at the beginning of the document body (e.g.
              after the <body> tag in HTML, or the \begin{document} command in LaTeX).  This  can
              be  used  to include navigation bars or banners in HTML documents.  This option can
              be used repeatedly to include multiple files.  They will be included in  the  order
              specified.  Implies --standalone.

       -A FILE, --include-after-body=FILE
              Include  contents  of  FILE,  verbatim, at the end of the document body (before the
              </body> tag in HTML, or the \end{document} command in LaTeX).  This option  can  be
              be  used  repeatedly to include multiple files.  They will be included in the order
              specified.  Implies --standalone.

   Options affecting specific writers
              Produce a standalone HTML file with no external dependencies, using data:  URIs  to
              incorporate  the  contents of linked scripts, stylesheets, images, and videos.  The
              resulting file should be "self-contained," in the sense that it needs  no  external
              files  and  no net access to be displayed properly by a browser.  This option works
              only with HTML output formats, including  html,  html5,  html+lhs,  html5+lhs,  s5,
              slidy, slideous, dzslides, and revealjs.  Scripts, images, and stylesheets at abso‐
              lute URLs will be downloaded; those at relative URLs will be sought first  relative
              to   the  working  directory,  then  relative  to  the  user  data  directory  (see
              --data-dir), and finally relative to pandoc's default data directory.   --self-con‐
              tained does not work with --mathjax.

              Deprecated synonym for --self-contained.

       -5, --html5
              Produce  HTML5  instead of HTML4.  This option has no effect for writers other than
              html.  (Deprecated: Use the html5 output format instead.)

              Use <q> tags for quotes in HTML.

              Use only ascii characters in output.  Currently  supported  only  for  HTML  output
              (which uses numerical entities instead of UTF-8 when this option is selected).

              Use  reference-style  links,  rather  than  inline  links,  in  writing markdown or
              reStructuredText.  By default inline links are used.

              Use ATX style headers in markdown and asciidoc  output.   The  default  is  to  use
              setext-style headers for levels 1-2, and then ATX headers.

              Treat  top-level  headers  as chapters in LaTeX, ConTeXt, and DocBook output.  When
              the LaTeX template uses the report, book, or memoir class, this option is  implied.
              If beamer is the output format, top-level headers will become \part{..}.

       -N, --number-sections
              Number  section headings in LaTeX, ConTeXt, HTML, or EPUB output.  By default, sec‐
              tions are not numbered.  Sections with class unnumbered  will  never  be  numbered,
              even if --number-sections is specified.

              Offset  for section headings in HTML output (ignored in other output formats).  The
              first number is added to the section number for top-level headers, the  second  for
              second-level  headers, and so on.  So, for example, if you want the first top-level
              header in your document to be numbered "6",  specify  --number-offset=5.   If  your
              document  starts with a level-2 header which you want to be numbered "1.5", specify
              --number-offset=1,4.  Offsets are 0 by default.  Implies --number-sections.

              Do not convert quotation marks, apostrophes, and dashes to the TeX  ligatures  when
              writing  LaTeX  or ConTeXt.  Instead, just use literal unicode characters.  This is
              needed for using advanced OpenType features with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.  Note:  nor‐
              mally  --smart  is selected automatically for LaTeX and ConTeXt output, but it must
              be specified explicitly if --no-tex-ligatures is  selected.   If  you  use  literal
              curly  quotes,  dashes,  and  ellipses  in  your  source,  then you may want to use
              --no-tex-ligatures without --smart.

              Use listings package for LaTeX code blocks

       -i, --incremental
              Make list items in slide shows display incrementally (one by one).  The default  is
              for lists to be displayed all at once.

              Specifies  that  headers  with  the  specified level create slides (for beamer, s5,
              slidy, slideous, dzslides).  Headers above this level in the hierarchy are used  to
              divide  the  slide  show  into  sections;  headers below this level create subheads
              within a slide.  The default is to set the slide level based on the contents of the
              document; see Structuring the slide show, below.

              Wrap sections in <div> tags (or <section> tags in HTML5), and attach identifiers to
              the enclosing <div> (or <section>) rather than  the  header  itself.   See  Section
              identifiers, below.

              Specify  a  method  for  obfuscating  mailto: links in HTML documents.  none leaves
              mailto: links as they are.  javascript obfuscates them  using  javascript.   refer‐
              ences obfuscates them by printing their letters as decimal or hexadecimal character

              Specify a prefix to be added to all automatically generated identifiers in HTML and
              DocBook  output,  and  to  footnote numbers in markdown output.  This is useful for
              preventing duplicate identifiers when generating fragments to be included in  other

       -T STRING, --title-prefix=STRING
              Specify  STRING  as a prefix at the beginning of the title that appears in the HTML
              header (but not in the title as it appears at the  beginning  of  the  HTML  body).
              Implies --standalone.

       -c URL, --css=URL
              Link to a CSS style sheet.  This option can be be used repeatedly to include multi‐
              ple files.  They will be included in the order specified.

              Use the specified file as a style reference in producing an ODT.  For best results,
              the  reference  ODT  should  be a modified version of an ODT produced using pandoc.
              The contents of the reference ODT are ignored, but its stylesheets are used in  the
              new  ODT.   If  no reference ODT is specified on the command line, pandoc will look
              for a file reference.odt in the user data directory (see --data-dir).  If  this  is
              not found either, sensible defaults will be used.

              Use  the  specified  file  as a style reference in producing a docx file.  For best
              results, the reference docx should be a modified version of a  docx  file  produced
              using  pandoc.  The contents of the reference docx are ignored, but its stylesheets
              are used in the new docx.  If no reference docx is specified on the  command  line,
              pandoc  will  look  for  a  file  reference.docx  in  the  user data directory (see
              --data-dir).  If this is not found either, sensible defaults  will  be  used.   The
              following  styles  are used by pandoc: [paragraph] Normal, Compact, Title, Authors,
              Date, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Block  Quote,  Defini‐
              tion Term, Definition, Body Text, Table Caption, Image Caption; [character] Default
              Paragraph Font, Body Text Char, Verbatim Char, Footnote Ref, Link.

              Use the specified CSS file to style the EPUB.  If no stylesheet is specified,  pan‐
              doc  will look for a file epub.css in the user data directory (see --data-dir).  If
              it is not found there, sensible defaults will be used.

              Use the specified image as the EPUB cover.  It is recommended  that  the  image  be
              less  than 1000px in width and height.  Note that in a markdown source document you
              can also specify cover-image in a YAML metadata block (see EPUB Metadata, below).

              Look in the specified XML file for metadata for the EPUB.  The file should  contain
              a  series  of  Dublin  Core  elements, as documented at http://dublincore.org/docu‐
              ments/dces/.  For example:

                      <dc:rights>Creative Commons</dc:rights>

              By default, pandoc will include the following metadata elements:  <dc:title>  (from
              the  document title), <dc:creator> (from the document authors), <dc:date> (from the
              document date, which should be in ISO 8601 format), <dc:language>  (from  the  lang
              variable,  or,  if is not set, the locale), and <dc:identifier id="BookId"> (a ran‐
              domly generated UUID).  Any of these may be overridden by elements in the  metadata

              Note: if the source document is markdown, a YAML metadata block in the document can
              be used instead.  See below under EPUB Metadata.

              Embed the specified font in the EPUB.  This option can be repeated to embed  multi‐
              ple  fonts.  To use embedded fonts, you will need to add declarations like the fol‐
              lowing to your CSS (see --epub-stylesheet):

                     @font-face {
                     font-family: DejaVuSans;
                     font-style: normal;
                     font-weight: normal;
                     @font-face {
                     font-family: DejaVuSans;
                     font-style: normal;
                     font-weight: bold;
                     @font-face {
                     font-family: DejaVuSans;
                     font-style: italic;
                     font-weight: normal;
                     @font-face {
                     font-family: DejaVuSans;
                     font-style: italic;
                     font-weight: bold;
                     body { font-family: "DejaVuSans"; }

              Specify the header level at which to split the EPUB into separate "chapter"  files.
              The default is to split into chapters at level 1 headers.  This option only affects
              the internal composition of the EPUB, not the way chapters and  sections  are  dis‐
              played  to  users.  Some readers may be slow if the chapter files are too large, so
              for large documents with few level 1 headers, one might want to use a chapter level
              of 2 or 3.

              Use the specified LaTeX engine when producing PDF output.  The default is pdflatex.
              If the engine is not in your PATH, the full path of the  engine  may  be  specified

   Citation rendering
              Set the bibliography field in the document's metadata to FILE, overriding any value
              set in the metadata, and process citations using pandoc-citeproc.  (This is equiva‐
              lent to --metadata bibliography=FILE --filter pandoc-citeproc.)

              Set  the  csl field in the document's metadata to FILE, overriding any value set in
              the metadata.  (This is equivalent to --metadata csl=FILE.)

              Set the citation-abbreviations field in the document's metadata to FILE, overriding
              any value set in the metadata.  (This is equivalent to --metadata citation-abbrevi‐

              Use natbib for citations in LaTeX output.  This option is not for use with the pan‐
              doc-citeproc  filter  or  with  PDF  output.  It is intended for use in producing a
              LaTeX file that can be processed with pdflatex and bibtex.

              Use biblatex for citations in LaTeX output.  This option is not for  use  with  the
              pandoc-citeproc  filter  or with PDF output.  It is intended for use in producing a
              LaTeX file that can be processed with pdflatex and bibtex or biber.

   Math rendering in HTML
       -m [URL], --latexmathml[=URL]
              Use LaTeXMathML to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.  The URL should  point
              to  the  LaTeXMathML.js  load  script.   If a URL is not provided, a link to LaTeX‐
              MathML.js at the Homepage of LaTeXMathML will be inserted.

              Convert TeX math to MathML (in docbook as well as html and html5).   In  standalone
              html  output,  a small javascript (or a link to such a script if a URL is supplied)
              will be inserted that allows the MathML to be viewed on some browsers.

              Use jsMath to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.  The URL  should  point  to
              the  jsMath load script (e.g.  jsMath/easy/load.js); if provided, it will be linked
              to in the header of standalone HTML documents.  If a URL is not provided,  no  link
              to  the jsMath load script will be inserted; it is then up to the author to provide
              such a link in the HTML template.

              Use MathJax to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.  The URL should  point  to
              the  MathJax.js  load  script.  If a URL is not provided, a link to the MathJax CDN
              will be inserted.

              Enclose TeX math in <eq> tags in HTML output.  These can then be processed by glad‐
              TeX to produce links to images of the typeset formulas.

              Render  TeX  math  using  the  mimeTeX  CGI script.  If URL is not specified, it is
              assumed that the script is at /cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi.

              Render TeX formulas using an external script that converts TeX formulas to  images.
              The  formula  will be concatenated with the URL provided.  If URL is not specified,
              the Google Chart API will be used.

   Options for wrapper scripts
              Print information about command-line arguments to stdout, then exit.   This  option
              is  intended  primarily  for use in wrapper scripts.  The first line of output con‐
              tains the name of the output file specified with the -o option, or -  (for  stdout)
              if  no  output  file  was  specified.  The remaining lines contain the command-line
              arguments, one per line, in the order they appear.  These do  not  include  regular
              Pandoc options and their arguments, but do include any options appearing after a --
              separator at the end of the line.

              Ignore command-line arguments (for use in wrapper scripts).  Regular Pandoc options
              are not ignored.  Thus, for example,

                     pandoc --ignore-args -o foo.html -s foo.txt -- -e latin1

              is equivalent to

                     pandoc -o foo.html -s

       When  the  -s/--standalone option is used, pandoc uses a template to add header and footer
       material that is needed for a self-standing document.  To see the default template that is
       used, just type

              pandoc -D FORMAT

       where  FORMAT  is the name of the output format.  A custom template can be specified using
       the --template option.  You can also override the system default  templates  for  a  given
       output format FORMAT by putting a file templates/default.FORMAT in the user data directory
       (see --data-dir, above).  Exceptions: For odt output, customize  the  default.opendocument
       template.  For pdf output, customize the default.latex template.

       Templates may contain variables.  Variable names are sequences of alphanumerics, -, and _,
       starting with a letter.  A variable name surrounded by $ signs will  be  replaced  by  its
       value.  For example, the string $title$ in


       will be replaced by the document title.

       To write a literal $ in a template, use $$.

       Some variables are set automatically by pandoc.  These vary somewhat depending on the out‐
       put format, but include metadata fields (such as title, author, and date) as well  as  the

              contents specified by -H/--include-in-header (may have multiple values)

       toc    non-null value if --toc/--table-of-contents was specified

              contents specified by -B/--include-before-body (may have multiple values)

              contents specified by -A/--include-after-body (may have multiple values)

       body   body of document

       lang   language code for HTML or LaTeX documents

              base URL for Slidy documents (defaults to http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2)

              base URL for Slideous documents (defaults to slideous)

       s5-url base URL for S5 documents (defaults to s5/default)

              base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to reveal.js)

       theme  reveal.js or LaTeX beamer theme

              reveal.js transition

              font size (10pt, 11pt, 12pt) for LaTeX documents

              document class for LaTeX documents

              option for LaTeX documentclass, e.g.  oneside; may be repeated for multiple options

              options  for  LaTeX  geometry class, e.g.  margin=1in; may be repeated for multiple

              adjusts line spacing (requires the setspace package)

              font package to use for LaTeX documents (with pdflatex): TeXLive has bookman (Book‐
              man),  utopia  or  fourier  (Utopia),  fouriernc (New Century Schoolbook), times or
              txfonts (Times), mathpazo or pxfonts or mathpple (Palatino), libertine (Linux  Lib‐
              ertine), arev (Arev Sans), and the default lmodern, among others.

       mainfont, sansfont, monofont, mathfont
              fonts for LaTeX documents (works only with xelatex and lualatex)

              colortheme for LaTeX beamer documents

              fonttheme for LaTeX beamer documents

              color  for  internal  links  in  LaTeX  documents (red, green, magenta, cyan, blue,

              color for external links in LaTeX documents

              color for citation links in LaTeX documents

              causes links to be printed as footnotes in LaTeX documents

              bibliography style in LaTeX, when used with --natbib

              bibliography files to use in LaTeX, with --natbib or --biblatex

              section number in man pages

       header header in man pages

       footer footer in man pages

       Variables may be set at the command line using the -V/--variable option.  Variables set in
       this way override metadata fields with the same name.

       Templates may contain conditionals.  The syntax is as follows:


       This  will  include  X in the template if variable has a non-null value; otherwise it will
       include Y.  X and Y are placeholders for any valid template text, and may include interpo‐
       lated variables or other conditionals.  The $else$ section may be omitted.

       When  variables can have multiple values (for example, author in a multi-author document),
       you can use the $for$ keyword:

              <meta name="author" content="$author$" />

       You can optionally specify a separator to be used between consecutive items:

              $for(author)$$author$$sep$, $endfor$

       A dot can be used to select a field of a variable that takes an object as its value.   So,
       for example:

              $author.name$ ($author.affiliation$)

       If  you use custom templates, you may need to revise them as pandoc changes.  We recommend
       tracking the changes in the default templates, and modifying your custom templates accord‐
       ingly.    An   easy   way   to   do  this  is  to  fork  the  pandoc-templates  repository
       (http://github.com/jgm/pandoc-templates) and merge in changes after each pandoc release.

       You can use Pandoc to produce an HTML + javascript slide presentation that can  be  viewed
       via  a  web browser.  There are five ways to do this, using S5, DZSlides, Slidy, Slideous,
       or reveal.js.  You can also produce a PDF slide show using LaTeX beamer.

       Here's the markdown source for a simple slide show, habits.txt:

              % Habits
              % John Doe
              % March 22, 2005

              # In the morning

              ## Getting up

              - Turn off alarm
              - Get out of bed

              ## Breakfast

              - Eat eggs
              - Drink coffee

              # In the evening

              ## Dinner

              - Eat spaghetti
              - Drink wine


              ![picture of spaghetti](images/spaghetti.jpg)

              ## Going to sleep

              - Get in bed
              - Count sheep

       To produce an HTML/javascript slide show, simply type

              pandoc -t FORMAT -s habits.txt -o habits.html

       where FORMAT is either s5, slidy, slideous, dzslides, or revealjs.

       For Slidy, Slideous, reveal.js, and S5, the file produced by pandoc with  the  -s/--stand‐
       alone option embeds a link to javascripts and CSS files, which are assumed to be available
       at the relative  path  s5/default  (for  S5),  slideous  (for  Slideous),  reveal.js  (for
       reveal.js), or at the Slidy website at w3.org (for Slidy).  (These paths can be changed by
       setting the slidy-url, slideous-url, revealjs-url, or s5-url  variables;  see  --variable,
       above.)  For  DZSlides, the (relatively short) javascript and css are included in the file
       by default.

       With all HTML slide formats, the --self-contained option can be used to produce  a  single
       file  that  contains all of the data necessary to display the slide show, including linked
       scripts, stylesheets, images, and videos.

       To produce a PDF slide show using beamer, type

              pandoc -t beamer habits.txt -o habits.pdf

       Note that a reveal.js slide show can also be converted to a PDF by printing it to  a  file
       from the browser.

   Structuring the slide show
       By  default, the slide level is the highest header level in the hierarchy that is followed
       immediately by content, and not another header, somewhere in the document.  In the example
       above,  level 1 headers are always followed by level 2 headers, which are followed by con‐
       tent, so 2 is the slide level.  This default can be  overridden  using  the  --slide-level

       The document is carved up into slides according to the following rules:

       · A horizontal rule always starts a new slide.

       · A header at the slide level always starts a new slide.

       · Headers below the slide level in the hierarchy create headers within a slide.

       · Headers above the slide level in the hierarchy create "title slides," which just contain
         the section title and help to break the slide show into sections.

       · A title page is constructed automatically from the document's title block,  if  present.
         (In the case of beamer, this can be disabled by commenting out some lines in the default

       These rules are designed to support many different styles of slide  show.   If  you  don't
       care about structuring your slides into sections and subsections, you can just use level 1
       headers for all each slide.  (In that case, level 1 will be the slide level.) But you  can
       also structure the slide show into sections, as in the example above.

       Note: in reveal.js slide shows, if slide level is 2, a two-dimensional layout will be pro‐
       duced, with level 1 headers building horizontally and level 2 headers building vertically.
       It is not recommended that you use deeper nesting of section levels with reveal.js.

   Incremental lists
       By  default,  these  writers  produces  lists that display "all at once." If you want your
       lists to display incrementally (one item at a time), use the -i option.   If  you  want  a
       particular  list to depart from the default (that is, to display incrementally without the
       -i option and all at once with the -i option), put it in a block quote:

              > - Eat spaghetti
              > - Drink wine

       In this way incremental and nonincremental lists can be mixed in a single document.

   Inserting pauses
       You can add "pauses" within a slide by including a paragraph containing three dots,  sepa‐
       rated by spaces:

              # Slide with a pause

              content before the pause

              . . .

              content after the pause

   Styling the slides
       You   can   change   the  style  of  HTML  slides  by  putting  customized  CSS  files  in
       $DATADIR/s5/default (for  S5),  $DATADIR/slidy  (for  Slidy),  or  $DATADIR/slideous  (for
       Slideous),  where $DATADIR is the user data directory (see --data-dir, above).  The origi‐
       nals may be found in  pandoc's  system  data  directory  (generally  $CABALDIR/pandoc-VER‐
       SION/s5/default).   Pandoc will look there for any files it does not find in the user data

       For dzslides, the CSS is included in the HTML file itself, and may be modified there.

       For reveal.js, themes can be used by setting the theme variable, for example:

              -V theme=moon

       Or you can specify a custom stylesheet using the --css option.

       To style beamer slides, you can specify a beamer "theme"  or  "colortheme"  using  the  -V

              pandoc -t beamer habits.txt -V theme:Warsaw -o habits.pdf

       Note  that  header attributes will turn into slide attributes (on a <div> or <section>) in
       HTML slide formats, allowing you to style individual slides.  In Beamer, the  only  header
       attribute  that  affects  slides is the allowframebreaks class, which sets the allowframe‐
       breaks option, causing multiple slides to be created if the content overfills  the  frame.
       This is recommended especially for bibliographies:

              # References {.allowframebreaks}

   Speaker notes
       reveal.js has good support for speaker notes.  You can add notes to your markdown document

              <div class="notes">
              This is my note.

              - It can contain markdown
              - like this list


       To show the notes window, press s while viewing the presentation.  Notes are not yet  sup‐
       ported for other slide formats, but the notes will not appear on the slides themselves.

       EPUB  metadata  may be specified using the --epub-metadata option, but if the source docu‐
       ment is markdown, it is better to use a YAML metadata block.  Here is an example:

              - type: main
                text: My Book
              - type: subtitle
                text: An investigation of metadata
              - role: author
                text: John Smith
              - role: editor
                text: Sarah Jones
              - scheme: DOI
                text: doi:10.234234.234/33
              publisher:  My Press
              rights:  (c) 2007 John Smith, CC BY-NC

       The following fields are recognized:

              Either a string value or an object with fields text and scheme.  Valid  values  for
              scheme   are   ISBN-10,   GTIN-13,  UPC,  ISMN-10,  DOI,  LCCN,  GTIN-14,  ISBN-13,
              Legal deposit number, URN, OCLC, ISMN-13, ISBN-A, JP, OLCC.

       title  Either a string value, or an object with fields file-as and type, or a list of such
              objects.   Valid  values  for  type are main, subtitle, short, collection, edition,

              Either a string value, or an object with fields role, file-as, and text, or a  list
              of  such objects.  Valid values for role are marc relators, but pandoc will attempt
              to translate the human-readable versions (like "author" and "editor") to the appro‐
              priate marc relators.

              Same format as creator.

       date   A  string  value  in  YYYY-MM-DD format.  (Only the year is necessary.) Pandoc will
              attempt to convert other common date formats.

              A string value in RFC5646 format.  Pandoc will default to  the  local  language  if
              nothing is specified.

              A string value or a list of such values.

              A string value.

       type   A string value.

       format A string value.

              A string value.

              A string value.

       rights A string value.

              A string value (path to cover image).

              A string value (path to CSS stylesheet).

       If  you append +lhs (or +literate_haskell) to an appropriate input or output format (mark‐
       down, markdown_strict, rst, or latex for input or output; beamer, html or html5 for output
       only), pandoc will treat the document as literate Haskell source.  This means that

       · In  markdown  input,  "bird  track"  sections will be parsed as Haskell code rather than
         block quotations.  Text between \begin{code} and \end{code}  will  also  be  treated  as
         Haskell code.

       · In markdown output, code blocks with classes haskell and literate will be rendered using
         bird tracks, and block quotations will be indented  one  space,  so  they  will  not  be
         treated  as  Haskell  code.   In  addition,  headers will be rendered setext-style (with
         underlines) rather than atx-style (with '#' characters).  (This is  because  ghc  treats
         '#' characters in column 1 as introducing line numbers.)

       · In restructured text input, "bird track" sections will be parsed as Haskell code.

       · In  restructured text output, code blocks with class haskell will be rendered using bird

       · In LaTeX input, text in code environments will be parsed as Haskell code.

       · In LaTeX output, code blocks with class haskell will be rendered  inside  code  environ‐

       · In  HTML  output,  code  blocks with class haskell will be rendered with class literate‐
         haskell and bird tracks.


              pandoc -f markdown+lhs -t html

       reads literate Haskell source formatted with markdown conventions and writes ordinary HTML
       (without bird tracks).

              pandoc -f markdown+lhs -t html+lhs

       writes HTML with the Haskell code in bird tracks, so it can be copied and pasted as liter‐
       ate Haskell source.

       Pandoc can be extended with custom writers written in lua.  (Pandoc includes a lua  inter‐
       preter, so lua need not be installed separately.)

       To  use  a custom writer, simply specify the path to the lua script in place of the output
       format.  For example:

              pandoc -t data/sample.lua

       Creating a custom writer requires writing a lua function for each possible  element  in  a
       pandoc  document.   To  get  a  documented  example which you can modify according to your
       needs, do

              pandoc --print-default-data-file sample.lua

       © 2006-2013 John MacFarlane (jgm at berkeley dot edu).  Released under the GPL, version  2
       or greater.  This software carries no warranty of any kind.  (See COPYRIGHT for full copy‐
       right and warranty notices.) Other contributors include Recai Oktaş, Paulo Tanimoto, Peter
       Wang,  Andrea  Rossato,  Eric Kow, infinity0x, Luke Plant, shreevatsa.public, Puneeth Cha‐
       ganti, Paul Rivier, rodja.trappe, Bradley Kuhn, thsutton, Nathan Gass, Jonathan Daugherty,
       Jérémy  Bobbio,  Justin  Bogner,  qerub,  Christopher Sawicki, Kelsey Hightower, Masayoshi
       Takahashi, Antoine Latter, Ralf Stephan, Eric Seidel,  B.   Scott  Michel,  Gavin  Beatty,
       Sergey  Astanin, Arlo O'Keeffe, Denis Laxalde, Brent Yorgey, David Lazar, Jamie F.  Olson,
       Matthew Pickering, Albert Krewinkel, mb21, Jesse Rosenthal.

       For a complete description of pandoc's extensions to standard markdown,  see  pandoc_mark‐
       down (5).

       pandoc_markdown (5).

       The  Pandoc  source  code and all documentation may be downloaded from <http://johnmacfar‐

Pandoc User's Guide                      January 19, 2013                               PANDOC(1)

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