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9. Builtin libraries

9.1 What does instance_methods(nil) return?

The method instance_methods returns an array containing the names of methods that the receiver responds to. This will include the methods in superclasses and in mixed-in modules.

instance_methods(nil) returns the name of just those methods which are defined in the object's class.

9.2 How do random number seeds work?

It depends. In Ruby versions prior to 1.5.2, the random number generator had (by default) a constant seed, and so would produce the same series of numbers each time a program was run. If you needed less deterministic behaviors, you called srand to set up a less predictable seed.

Newer Rubys (Rubies?) have a different behavior. If rand is called without a prior call to srand, Ruby will generate its own random(ish) seed. Successive runs of a program that does not use srand will generate different sequences of random numbers. To get the old, predictable, behavior (perhaps for testing), call srand with a constant seed.

9.3 What is the difference between an immediate value and a reference?

Fixnum, true, nil, and false are implemented as immediate values. With immediate values, variables hold the objects themselves, rather than references to them.

Singleton methods cannot be defined for such objects. Two Fixnums of the same value always represent the same object instance, so (for example) instance variables for the Fixnum with the value "one" are shared between all the "ones" is the system. This makes it impossible to define a singleton method for just one of these.

9.4 What is the difference between nil and false?

First the similarity. nil and false are the only two values that evaluate to false in a boolean context.

However, they are instances of different classes (NilClass and FalseClass), and have different behaviors elsewhere.

We recommend that predicate methods (those whose name ends with a question mark) return true or false. Other methods that need to indicate failure should return nil.

9.5 I read a file and changed it, but the file on disk has not changed.

open("example", "r+").readlines.each_with_index{|l, i|
  l[0,0] = (i+1).to_s + ": " }

This program does not add line numbers to the file "example". It does read the contents of the file, and for each line read prepend the line number, but the data is never written back. The code below does update the file (although somewhat dangerously, as it takes no backup before starting the update):

io = open("example", "r+")
ary = io.readlines
ary.each_with_index{|l, i| l[0,0] = (i+1).to_s + ": "}
io.print ary

9.6 How can I process a file and update its contents?

Using the command-line option -i, or built-in variable $-i, you can read a file and replace it.

The code in the preceding question, which added line numbers to file, is probably best written using this technique:

$ ruby -i -ne 'print "#$.: #$_"' example

If you want to preserve the original file, use -i.bak to create a backup.

9.7 I wrote a file, copied it, but the end of the copy seems to be lost.

This code will not work correctly:

open('file', 'w').print "This is a file.\n"
system 'cp file newfile'

Because I/O is buffered, file is being copied before its contents have been written to disk. newfile will probably be empty. However, when the program terminates, the buffers are flushed, and file has the expected content.

The problem doesn't arise if you close file before copying:

f = open('file', 'w')
f.print "This is a file.\n"
system "cp file newfile"

9.8 How can I get the line number in current input file?

As you read from a file, Ruby increments a line number counter in the global variable $.. This is also available using the lineno attribute of the File object.

The special constant ARGF is a file-like object that can be used to read all the input files specified on the command line (or standard input if there are no files). ARGF is used implicitly by code such as:

while gets
  print $_

In this case, $. will be the cumulative number of lines read across all input files. To get the line number in the current file, use


You can also get the name of the current file using ARGF.file.path.

9.9 How can I use less to display my program's output?

I tried the following, but nothing came out:

f = open '|less', 'w'
f.print "abc\n"

That's because the program ends immediately, and less never gets a chance to see the stuff you've written to it, never mind to display it. Use close to wait until less ends.

f = open '|less', 'w'
f.print "abc\n"

9.10 What happens to a File object which is no longer referenced?

A File object which is no longer referenced becomes eligible for garbage collection. The file will be closed automatically when the File object is garbage collected.

9.11 I feel uneasy if I don't close a file.

There are at least four good ways of ensuring that you do close a file:

(1)  f = open "file"
       f.each {|l| print l}

(2)"file") { |f|
       f.readlines.each { |l| print l }
(3)  IO.foreach("file") {|l| print l}

(4)  IO.readlines("file").each {|l| print l}

9.12 How can I sort files by their modified time?

Dir.glob("*").sort{|a,b| File.mtime(b) <=> File.mtime(a)}

Although this works (returning a list in reverse chronological order) it isn't very efficient, as it fetches the files' modification times from the operating system on every comparison.

More efficiency can be bought with some extra complexity:
Dir.glob("*").collect! {|f| [File.mtime(f), f]}.
  sort{|a,b| b[0] <=> a[0]}.collect! {|e| e[1]}

9.13 How can I count the frequency of words in a file?

freq =
open("example").read.scan(/\w+/){|w| freq[w] += 1}
freq.keys.sort.each {|k| print k, "-", freq[k], "\n"}



9.14 Why is an empty string not false?

Q: An empty string ("") returns true in a conditional expression! In Perl, it's false.

A: In Ruby, only nil and false are false in conditional contexts. This is a way of gaining speed--both nil and false have immediate values, so they can be tested without having to chase a reference to an object.

You can use empty?, compare the string to "", or compare length to 0 to find out if a string is empty.

9.15 How can I sort strings in alphabetical order?

If you want your strings to sort 'AAA', 'BBB', ..., 'ZZZ', 'aaa', 'bbb', then the built-in comparison will work just fine.

If you want to sort ignoring case distinctions, compare downcased versions of the strings in the sort block:

array = %w( z bB Bb BB bb Aa aA AA aa a )
puts array.sort { |a,b|  a.downcase <=> b.downcase }



If you want to sort so that the 'A's and 'a's come together, but 'a' is considered greater than 'A' (so 'Aa' comes after 'AA' but before 'AB'), use:

puts array.sort { |a,b|
  (a.downcase <=> b.downcase).nonzero? || a <=> b



9.16 What does "abcd"[0] return?

It returns the character code for ``a'', 97(Fixnum). You can express a character code as an integer constant by prefixing the character with a question mark, so ?a is also 97(Fixnum).

9.17 How can I expand tabs to spaces?

If a holds the string to be expanded, you could use one of:

  1 while a.sub!(/(^[^\t]*)\t(\t*)/){$1+' '*(8-$1.size%8+8*$2.size)}
  1 while a.sub!(/\t(\t*)/){' '*(8-$~.begin(0)%8+8*$1.size)}

9.18 How can I escape a backslash in a regexp?

Regexp.quote('\\') escapes a backslash.

It gets trickier if you're using sub and gsub, Say you write gsub(/\\/, '\\\\'), hoping to replace each backslash with two. The second argument is converted to '\\' in syntax analysis. When the substitution occurs, the regular expression engine converts this to '\', so the net effect is to replace each single backslash with another single backslash. You need to write gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\')!

However, using the fact that \& contains the matched string, you could also write gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').

If you use the block form of gsub, i.e. gsub(/\\/){'\\\\'}, the string for substitution is analyzed only once (during the syntax pass) and the result is what you intended.

9.19 What is the difference between sub and sub!?

In sub, a copy of the receiver is generated, substituted and returned.

In sub!, the receiver is altered and returned if any match was found. Otherwise, nil is returned.

Methods like sub! are called destructive methods which alter the attribute of the receiver. If there are two similar methods and one is destructive, the destructive one has a suffix !.

def foo(str)
    str = str.sub(/foo/, "baz")

obj = "foo"
foo(obj)         # -> "baz"
obj              # -> "foo"

def foo(str)
    str = str.sub!(/foo/, "baz")

foo(obj)         # -> "baz"
obj              # -> "baz"

9.20 Where does \Z match?

\Z matches just before the last \n if the string ends with a \n, otherwise it matches at the end of a string.

9.21 What is the difference between ".." and "..."?

.. includes the right hand side in the range, ... does not.

9.22 Does Ruby have function pointers?

A Proc object generated by, proc, or lambda can be referenced from a variable, so that variable could be said to be a function pointer. You can also get references to methods within a particular object instance using Object.method.

9.23 What is the difference between thread and fork?

Ruby threads are implemented within the interpreter, while fork invokes the operating system to create a separately executing subprocess.

Thread and fork have following characteristics:

You probably shouldn't mix fork and thread.

9.24 How can I use Marshal?

Marshal is used to store an object in a file or a string, and later reconstitute it. Objects may be stored using:

Marshal.dump obj [, io ] [, lev]

io is a writable IO object, lev designates the level to which objects are dereferred and stored. If lev levels of dereferring are done and object references still exist, then dump stores just the reference, not the object referenced. This is not good, as these referenced objects cannot be subsequently reconstructed.

If io is omitted, the marshaled objects are returned in a string.

You can load objects back using:

   obj = Marshal.load io
   obj = Marshal.load str

where io is a readable IO object, str is the dumped string.

9.25 Does Ruby have exception handling?

Ruby supports a flexible exception handling scheme:
  statements which may raise exceptions.
rescue [exception class names]
  statements when an exception occurred.
rescue [exception class names]
  statements when an exception occurred.
  statements that will always run

If an exception occurs in the begin clause, the rescue clause with the matching exception name is executed. The ensure clause is executed whether an exception occurred or not. rescue and ensure clauses may be omitted.

If no exception class is designated for rescue clause, StandardError exception is implied, and exceptions which are in a is_a? relation to StandardError are captured.

This expression returns the value of the begin clause.

The latest exception is accessed by the global variable $! (and so its type can be determined using $!.type).

9.26 How can I use trap?

trap associates code blocks with external events (signals).

trap("PIPE") {raise "SIGPIPE"}

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