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CGI::Push (3perl)    - Simple Interface to Server Push
CGI::Push (3pm)      - Simple Interface to Server Push
a2query (1)          - retrieve runtime configuration from a local Apache 2 H...
ab (1)               - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
access (5)           - Postfix SMTP server access table
ALTER_SERVER (7)     - change the definition of a foreign server
ALTER_SYSTEM (7)     - change a server configuration parameter
apache2 (8)          - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
Apache2::ServerRec (3pm) - Perl API for Apache server record accessors
Apache2::ServerUtil (3pm) - Perl API for Apache server record utils
apache2ctl (8)       - Apache HTTP server control interface
Apache::TestRequest (3pm) - Send requests to your Apache test server
apachectl (8)        - Apache HTTP server control interface
apachetop (1)        - display real-time web server statistics
awstats (1)          - a free web server logfile analyzer to show you advance...
axfrdns (8)          - a DNS zone-transfer server.
berkeley_db5.3_svc (1) - Berkeley DB RPC server
cacaserver (1)       - telnet server for libcaca
CREATE_SERVER (7)    - define a new foreign server
CREATE_USER_MAPPING (7) - define a new mapping of a user to a foreign server
danted (8)           - network proxyserver
danted.conf (5)      - Dante server configuration file syntax
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for p...
DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream (3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for st...
DBI::ProxyServer (3pm) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbiproxy (1p)        - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dnsq (1)             - sends a non-recursive DNS query to DNS server
doveadm-who (1)      - Show who is logged in to the Dovecot server
dovecot (1)          - a secure and highly configurable IMAP and POP3 server
DROP_SERVER (7)      - remove a foreign server descriptor
DROP_USER_MAPPING (7) - remove a user mapping for a foreign server
DTLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
estmaster (1)        - master process of node servers
fail2ban (1)         - a set of server and client programs to limit brute for...
fail2ban-client (1)  - configure and control the server
fail2ban-server (1)  - start the server
flush (8postfix)     - Postfix fast flush server
git-daemon (1)       - A really simple server for Git repositories
git-http-backend (1) - Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
git-update-server-info (1) - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
HTTP::Daemon (3pm)   - a simple http server class
HTTP::Server::Simple (3pm) - Lightweight HTTP server
HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI (3pm) - CGI.pm-style version of HTTP::Server::Simple
HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment (3pm) - a HTTP::Server::Simple mixin t...
HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason (3pm) - An abstract baseclass for a standalone ma...
IMPORT_FOREIGN_SCHEMA (7) - import table definitions from a foreign server
inetd (8)            - internet "super-server"
inetd.conf (5)       - internet "super-server"
jail.conf (10)       - configuration for the fail2ban server
js (1)               - Server-side JavaScript
key_decryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_encryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_gendes (3)       - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_secretkey_is_set (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_setsecret (3)    - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
lighttpd (8)         - a fast, secure and flexible web server
lighttpd-disable-mod (1) - enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd-enable-mod (1) - enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-disable-mod (1) - enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-enable-mod (1) - enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
Mail::Box::IMAP4::Message (3pm) - one message on a IMAP4 server
Mail::Box::POP3::Message (3pm) - one message on a POP3 server
Mail::Server (3pm)   - Base class for email servers in MailBox
Mail::Server::IMAP4 (3pm) - IMAP4 server implementation (not completed)
Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch (3pm) - message info for IMAP protocol speed-up
Mail::Server::IMAP4::List (3pm) - folder related IMAP4 answers
Mail::Server::IMAP4::Search (3pm) - select messages within a IMAP folder (not...
Mail::SPF::Server (3pm) - Server class for processing SPF requests
mconnect (1)         - connects to a remote SMTP server.
mod_perl2 (3pm)      - Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache/2.x HTTP server
ModPerl::RegistryLoader (3pm) - Compile ModPerl::RegistryCooker scripts at se...
mysql_plugin (1)     - configure MySQL server plugins
mysqladmin (1)       - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqld (8)           - the MySQL server
mysqld_multi (1)     - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe (1)      - MySQL server startup script
named (8)            - Internet domain name server
net (8)              - Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers.
net-server (1p)      - Base Net::Server starting module
Net::DBus::Binding::Connection (3pm) - A connection between client and server
Net::DBus::Binding::Server (3pm) - A server to accept incoming connections
Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class
Net::Server (3pm)    - Extensible, general Perl server engine
Net::Server::Daemonize (3pm) - Safe fork and daemonization utilities
Net::Server::Fork (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::HTTP (3pm) - very basic Net::Server based HTTP server class
Net::Server::INET (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::Log::Log::Log4perl (3pm) - log via Log4perl
Net::Server::Log::Sys::Syslog (3pm) - log via Syslog
Net::Server::Multiplex (3pm) - Multiplex several connections within one process
Net::Server::MultiType (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::PreFork (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::PreForkSimple (3pm) - Net::Server personality
Net::Server::Proto (3pm) - Net::Server Protocol compatibility layer
Net::Server::Proto::SSL (3pm) - Net::Server SSL protocol.
Net::Server::Proto::SSLEAY (3pm) - Custom Net::Server SSL protocol handler ba...
Net::Server::Proto::TCP (3pm) - Net::Server TCP protocol.
Net::Server::Proto::UDP (3pm) - Net::Server UDP protocol.
Net::Server::Proto::UNIX (3pm) - Net::Server UNIX protocol.
Net::Server::Proto::UNIXDGRAM (3pm) - Net::Server UNIXDGRAM protocol.
Net::Server::PSGI (3pm) - basic Net::Server based PSGI HTTP server class
Net::Server::SIG (3pm) - adpf - Safer signal handling
Net::Server::Single (3pm) - Net::Server personality
nginx (1)            - small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
node (1)             - Server-side JavaScript
nodejs (1)           - Server-side JavaScript
nslookup (1)         - query Internet name servers interactively
occ (8)              - ownCloud server command line interface
pdns_recursor (1)    - high-performance, simple and secure recursing nameserver
pg_ctl (1)           - initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server
pg_isready (1)       - check the connection status of a PostgreSQL server
pg_receivewal (1)    - stream write-ahead logs from a PostgreSQL server
pg_standby (1)       - supports the creation of a PostgreSQL warm standby server
pg_upgrade (1)       - upgrade a PostgreSQL server instance
pigeonhole (7)       - Overview of the Pigeonhole project's Sieve support for...
postgres (1)         - PostgreSQL database server
postmaster (1)       - PostgreSQL database server
posttls-finger (1)   - Probe the TLS properties of an ESMTP or LMTP server.
proxymap (8postfix)  - Postfix lookup table proxy server
pure-ftpd (8)        - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd-virtualchroot (8) - simple File Transfer Protocol server
qemu-nbd (8)         - QEMU Disk Network Block Device Server
qmqp-sink (1)        - multi-threaded QMQP test server
qmqpd (8postfix)     - Postfix QMQP server
querybts (1)         - view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
rbldns (8)           - an IP-address-listing DNS server
rblsmtpd (1)         - blocks mail from RBL-listed sites. It works with any S...
reportbug (1)        - reports a bug to a debbugs server
rndc (8)             - name server control utility
s_server (1ssl)      - SSL/TLS server program
safe_finger (8)      - finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuf...
samba (7)            - A Windows AD and SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIX
scache (8postfix)    - Postfix shared connection cache server
servertool (1)       - The Java(TM) IDL Server Tool
sftp-server (8)      - SFTP server subsystem
slapo-sssvlv (5)     - Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay to s...
smbclient (1)        - ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
smtp-sink (1)        - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
smtpd (8postfix)     - Postfix SMTP server
SSL_connect (3ssl)   - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session...
SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context (3ssl) - set context within which session can ...
SSL_get_accept_state (3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server ...
SSL_has_matching_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs...
SSL_set_connect_state (3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server...
SSL_set_generate_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs...
SSL_set_psk_server_callback (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_set_session_id_context (3ssl) - set context within which session can be r...
SSLv23_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSLv2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv3_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
svnserve (8)         - Server for the 'svn' repository access method
tcp_table (5)        - Postfix client/server table lookup protocol
tcprules (1)         - compiles rules for tcpserver (1).
tcpserver (1)        - accepts incoming TCP connections.
tinydns (8)          - a DNS server.
TLSv1_1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
ts (1ssl)            - Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
verify (8postfix)    - Postfix address verification server
vserver (2)          - unimplemented system calls
webalizer (1)        - A web server log file analysis tool.
webazolver (1)       - A web server log file analysis tool.
whois.conf (5)       - alternative WHOIS servers list for whois client
X11::Protocol::Connection (3pm) - Perl module abstract base class for X11 cli...
xgamma (1)           - Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server
xhost (1)            - server access control program for X
xlsatoms (1)         - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsfonts (1)         - server font list displayer for X
xrdb (1)             - X server resource database utility
Xwrapper.config (5)  - configuration options for X server wrapper
LucyX::Remote::SearchClient (3pm) - Connect to a remote SearchServer.
LucyX::Remote::SearchServer (3pm) - Make a Searcher remotely accessible.

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