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Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

BN_print (3ssl)      - format conversions
DISCARD (7)          - discard session state
Git (3pm)            - Perl interface to the Git version control system
__audit_ipc_set_perm (9) - record audit data for new ipc permissions
__inode_permission (9) - Check for access rights to a given inode
__snd_rawmidi_transmit_ack (9) - acknowledge the transmission
access (2)           - check user's permissions for a file
ALTER_CONVERSION (7) - change the definition of a conversion
ALTER_EXTENSION (7)  - change the definition of an extension
anvil (8postfix)     - Postfix session count and request rate control
apt-show-versions (1p) - Lists available package versions with distribution
AptPkg::Policy (3pm) - APT package version policy class
AptPkg::Version (3pm) - APT package versioning class
avc_audit (3)        - obtain and audit SELinux access decisions
avc_entry_ref_init (3) - obtain and audit SELinux access decisions
avc_has_perm (3)     - obtain and audit SELinux access decisions
avc_has_perm_noaudit (3) - obtain and audit SELinux access decisions
bc (1)               - An arbitrary precision calculator language
BerkeleyDB (3pm)     - Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3, 4 or 5
bind9-config (1)     - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
BIO_ssl_copy_session_id (3ssl) - SSL BIO
blib (3perl)         - Use MakeMaker's uninstalled version of a package
bn (3ssl)            - multiprecision integer arithmetics
BN_bin2bn (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2bin (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2dec (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2hex (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2mpi (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_dec2bn (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_hex2bn (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_mpi2bn (3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_print_fp (3ssl)   - format conversions
bridge-utils-interfaces (5) - bridge-utils extensions for the interfaces (5) ...
bytes_to_frames (9)  - Unit conversion of the size from bytes to frames
bytes_to_samples (9) - Unit conversion of the size from bytes to samples
bzegrep (1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzfgrep (1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzgrep (1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
Cache::CacheTester (3pm) - - a class for regression testing caches
Cache::SizeAwareCacheTester (3pm) - - a class for regression testing size awa...
calc (1)             - arbitrary precision calculator
chmod (2)            - change permissions of a file
clamsubmit (1)       - File submission utility for ClamAV
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 (3perl) - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
Compress::Raw::Zlib (3perl) - Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
Compress::Zlib (3perl) - Interface to zlib compression library
Config::Extensions (3perl) - hash lookup of which core extensions were built.
CPAN::Meta::Requirements (3perl) - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
CPAN::Version (3perl) - utility functions to compare CPAN versions
CREATE_CONVERSION (7) - define a new encoding conversion
CREATE_EXTENSION (7) - install an extension
Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum (3pm) - OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
d2i_SSL_SESSION (3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
daylight (3)         - initialize time conversion information
db5.3_upgrade (1)    - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release...
DB_File (3perl)      - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x
dbus-run-session (1) - start a process as a new D-Bus session
deb-version (5)      - Debian package version number format
deprecate (3perl)    - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
Devel::Caller (3pm)  - meatier versions of "caller"
dh_fixperms (1)      - fix permissions of files in package build directories
Digest::SHA (3perl)  - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
Dist::CheckConflicts (3pm) - declare version conflicts for your dist
div (3)              - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
dpkg-divert (8)      - override a package's version of a file
Dpkg::Compression (3) - simple database of available compression methods
Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle (3) - object dealing transparently with file co...
Dpkg::Compression::Process (3) - run compression/decompression processes
Dpkg::Version (3)    - handling and comparing dpkg-style version numbers
DROP_CONVERSION (7)  - remove a conversion
DROP_EXTENSION (7)   - remove an extension
eaccess (3)          - check effective user's permissions for a file
encoding::warnings (3perl) - Warn on implicit encoding conversions
enum_mac80211_tx_info_flags (9) - flags to describe transmission information/...
euidaccess (3)       - check effective user's permissions for a file
expr (1)             - evaluate expressions
ExtUtils::Mksymlists (3perl) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
faccessat (2)        - check user's permissions for a file
faked (1)            - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-sysv (1)       - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-tcp (1)        - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
fchmod (2)           - change permissions of a file
fchmodat (2)         - change permissions of a file
File::Copy::Recursive (3pm) - Perl extension for recursively copying files an...
File::Glob (3perl)   - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
File::Tail (3pm)     - Perl extension for reading from continuously updated f...
filetest (3perl)     - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
fop (1)              - Command line wrapper for the java version of fop.
fprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
frames_to_bytes (9)  - Unit conversion of the size from frames to bytes
fscanf (3)           - input format conversion
fusion_exit (9)      - Perform driver unload cleanup.
fusion_init (9)      - Fusion MPT base driver initialization routine.
futimens (3)         - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
fwprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
generic_permission (9) - check for access rights on a Posix-like filesystem
get_default_context (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user sessions
get_default_context_with_level (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user se...
get_default_context_with_role (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user ses...
get_default_context_with_rolelevel (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for use...
get_default_type (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user sessions
get_ordered_context_list (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user sessions
get_ordered_context_list_with_level (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for us...
GetIoUnitPage2 (9)   - Retrieve BIOS version and boot order information.
getsid (2)           - get session ID
git-blame (1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-format-patch (1) - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
gitrevisions (7)     - specifying revisions and ranges for Git
gittutorial (7)      - A tutorial introduction to Git (for version 1.5.1 or n...
gnu_get_libc_release (3) - get glibc version and release
gnu_get_libc_version (3) - get glibc version and release
h2xs (1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
hosts_options (5)    - host access control language extensions
HTML::Element::traverse (3pm) - discussion of HTML::Element's traverse method
HTTP::Date (3pm)     - date conversion routines
HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI (3pm) - CGI.pm-style version of HTTP::Server::Simple
i2d_SSL_SESSION (3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
iconv (3)            - perform character set conversion
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session (9) - Start a tx Block Ack session.
ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_session (9) - Stop a Block Ack session.
Image::Size (3pm)    - read the dimensions of an image in several popular for...
imaxdiv (3)          - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
imgsize (1p)         - read the dimensions of an image in several popular for...
inet_net_ntop (3)    - Internet network number conversion
inet_net_pton (3)    - Internet network number conversion
inode_inc_iversion (9) - increments i_version
inode_owner_or_capable (9) - check current task permissions to inode
inode_permission (9) - Check for access rights to a given inode
ioperm (2)           - set port input/output permissions
ipc64_perm_to_ipc_perm (9) - convert new ipc permissions to old
ipc_check_perms (9)  - check security and permissions for an ipc object
ipc_parse_version (9) - ipc call version
ipc_update_perm (9)  - update the permissions of an ipc object
ipcctl_pre_down_nolock (9) - retrieve an ipc and check permissions for some I...
ipcperms (9)         - check ipc permissions
iptables-extensions (8) - list of extensions in the standard iptables distrib...
isc-config.sh (1)    - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
isc-hmac-fixup (8)   - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
iscsi_block_scsi_eh (9) - block scsi eh until session state has transistioned
iscsi_create_flashnode_sess (9) - Add flashnode session entry in sysfs
iscsi_create_session (9) - create iscsi class session
iscsi_destroy_all_flashnode (9) - destroy all flashnode session entries
iscsi_destroy_flashnode_sess (9) - destroy flashnode session entry
iscsi_destroy_session (9) - destroy iscsi session
iscsi_find_flashnode_sess (9) - finds flashnode session entry
iscsi_session_event (9) - send session destr. completion event
iscsi_unblock_session (9) - set a session as logged in and start IO.
kernel_to_ipc64_perm (9) - convert kernel ipc permissions to user
key_decryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_encryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
lcf (1)              - Determine which of the historical versions of a config...
ldiv (3)             - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
libsmbclient (7)     - An extension library for browsers and that can be used...
linux-version (1)    - operate on Linux kernel version strings
Linux::LVM (3pm)     - Perl extension for accessing Logical Volume Manager(LV...
lldiv (3)            - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
Locale::Codes::LangExt (3perl) - standard codes for language extension identi...
Locale::Codes::LangFam (3perl) - standard codes for language extension identi...
lock_sock_fast (9)   - fast version of lock_sock
login (1)            - begin session on the system
lvmthin (7)          - LVM thin provisioning
lzegrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep (1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
Mail::Message::Convert (3pm) - conversions between message types
manual_user_enter_context (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user sessions
mdiobus_read_nested (9) - Nested version of the mdiobus_read function
mdiobus_write_nested (9) - Nested version of the mdiobus_write function
mode_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission val...
Module::Build::Version (3perl) - DEPRECATED
Module::CoreList (3perl) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
Module::CoreList::Utils (3perl) - what utilities shipped with versions of perl
Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Extension... (3pm) - Moose extension overview
Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Restartable_A... (3pm) - Advanced Role Composition - ...
Moose::Manual::MooseX (3pm) - Recommended Moose extensions
morphy (7WN)         - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing
mpt_readScsiDevicePageHeaders (9) - save version and length of SDP1
mpt_resume (9)       - Fusion MPT base driver resume routine.
mpt_suspend (9)      - Fusion MPT base driver suspend routine.
mptscsih_qcmd (9)    - Primary Fusion MPT SCSI initiator IO start routine.
mptscsih_taskmgmt_complete (9) - Registered with Fusion MPT base driver
msgconv (1)          - character set conversion for message catalog
multidimensional (3pm) - disables multidmensional array emulation
mysql_fix_extensions (1) - normalize table file name extensions
mysql_setpermission (1) - interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysqltest (1)        - Regressiontest program for MySQL.
Net::DBus (3pm)      - Perl extension for the DBus message system
Net::IP (3pm)        - Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
Net::SSLeay (3pm)    - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER (3ssl) - get OpenSSL version number
pagecache_isize_extended (9) - update pagecache after extension of i_size
pam_close_session (3) - terminate PAM session management
pam_keyinit (8)      - Kernel session keyring initialiser module
pam_namespace (8)    - PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pam_open_session (3) - start PAM session management
pam_sm_close_session (3) - PAM service function to terminate session management
pam_sm_open_session (3) - PAM service function to start session management
pam_systemd (8)      - Register user sessions in the systemd login manager
pcm_format_to_bits (9) - Strong-typed conversion of pcm_format to bitwise
pcre (3)             - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16 (3)           - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_assign_jit_stack (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile (3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile2 (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_config (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_dfa_exec (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_exec (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_study (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_fullinfo (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringnumber (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringtable_entries (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_exec (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_alloc (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_free (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_maketables (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_pattern_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_refcount (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_study (3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_utf16_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_version (3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32 (3)           - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_assign_jit_stack (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_compile (3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_compile2 (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_config (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_copy_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_copy_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_dfa_exec (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_exec (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_study (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_fullinfo (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_stringnumber (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_stringtable_entries (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_exec (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_stack_alloc (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_stack_free (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_maketables (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_pattern_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_refcount (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_study (3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_utf32_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_version (3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_assign_jit_stack (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile (3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile2 (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_config (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_dfa_exec (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_exec (3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_study (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_fullinfo (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_named_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringnumber (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringtable_entries (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring_list (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_exec (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_alloc (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_free (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_maketables (3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_refcount (3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_study (3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_utf16_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_utf32_to_host_byte_order (3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_version (3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreapi (3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrebuild (3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecallout (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecompat (3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecpp (3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcregrep (1)         - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcrejit (3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrelimits (3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrematching (3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepartial (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepattern (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreperform (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreposix (3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcreprecompile (3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresample (3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrestack (3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresyntax (3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreunicode (3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pdfdetach (1)        - Portable Document Format (PDF) document embedded file ...
pdffonts (1)         - Portable Document Format (PDF) font analyzer (version ...
pdfimages (1)        - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (versio...
pdfinfo (1)          - Portable Document Format (PDF) document information ex...
pdftoppm (1)         - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM...
pdftops (1)          - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter...
pdftotext (1)        - Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (vers...
perlaix (1)          - Perl version 5 on IBM AIX (UNIX) systems
perlfaq6 (1)         - Regular Expressions
perlfreebsd (1)      - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
perlgpl (1)          - the GNU General Public License, version 1
perlhaiku (1)        - Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku
perlhpux (1)         - Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
perlhurd (1)         - Perl version 5 on Hurd
perlirix (1)         - Perl version 5 on Irix systems
perllinux (1)        - Perl version 5 on Linux systems
perlopenbsd (1)      - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
perlos400 (1)        - Perl version 5 on OS/400
perlqnx (1)          - Perl version 5 on QNX
perlre (1)           - Perl regular expressions
perlreapi (1)        - Perl regular expression plugin interface
perlrebackslash (1)  - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
perlrecharclass (1)  - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes
perlreguts (1)       - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perlrequick (1)      - Perl regular expressions quick start
perlreref (1)        - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
perlretut (1)        - Perl regular expressions tutorial
perlriscos (1)       - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
perlsolaris (1)      - Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
perlsymbian (1)      - Perl version 5 on Symbian OS
perltru64 (1)        - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNI...
perluniprops (1)     - Index of Unicode Version 6.3.0 character properties in...
pg_config (1)        - retrieve information about the installed version of Po...
pg_upgradecluster (1) - upgrade an existing PostgreSQL cluster to a new major...
pg_virtualenv (1)    - Create a throw-away PostgreSQL environment for running...
phpize (1)           - prepare a PHP extension for compiling
phpize5 (1)          - prepare a PHP extension for compiling
pkcs8 (1ssl)         - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
Pod::ParseUtils (3perl) - helpers for POD parsing and conversion
print_access_vector (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values...
printf (3)           - formatted output conversion
pure-ftpwho (8)      - Report current FTP sessions
py3versions (1)      - print python3 version information
pybuild (1)          - invokes various build systems for requested Python ver...
pyversions (1)       - print python version information
query_user_context (3) - determine SELinux context(s) for user sessions
rasterizer (1)       - SVG conversion
re (3perl)           - Perl pragma to alter regular expression behaviour
re_format (7)        - POSIX.2 regular expressions
regex (7)            - POSIX.2 regular expressions
Regexp::Common (3pm) - Provide commonly requested regular expressions
regexp_table (5)     - format of Postfix regular expression tables
request_firmware_nowait (9) - asynchronous version of request_firmware
revoutput (3am)      - Reverse output strings sample extension
revtwoway (3am)      - Reverse strings sample two-way processor extension
rpntutorial (1)      - Reading RRDtool RPN Expressions by Steve Rader
rrdthreads (1)       - Provisions for linking the RRD library to use in multi...
samples_to_bytes (9) - Unit conversion of the size from samples to bytes
scanf (3)            - input format conversion
script (1)           - make typescript of terminal session
security_av_perm_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission...
security_av_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values ...
security_class_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
security_policyvers (3) - get the version of the SELinux policy
selinux_set_mapping (3) - establish dynamic object class and permission mapping
sess_id (1ssl)       - SSL/TLS session handling utility
SET_ROLE (7)         - set the current user identifier of the current session
SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION (7) - set the session user identifier and the curre...
setsid (1)           - run a program in a new session
setsid (2)           - creates a session and sets the process group ID
shtool-arx (1)       - GNU shtool ar(1) extensional command
shtool-echo (1)      - GNU shtool echo(1) extensional command
shtool-fixperm (1)   - GNU shtool file permission fixing command
shtool-version (1)   - GNU shtool maintain version information file
snd_rawmidi_transmit_ack (9) - acknowledge the transmission
SNDRV_COMPRESS_IOCTL_VERSION (9) - (unknown subject)
snprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
spamd (8p)           - daemonized version of spamassassin
spi_async_locked (9) - version of spi_async with exclusive bus usage
spi_sync_locked (9)  - version of spi_sync with exclusive bus usage
sprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
sqlite3 (1)          - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
sscanf (3)           - input format conversion
ssh-keygen (1)       - authentication key generation, management and conversion
SSL_add_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CIPHER_get_version (3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_COMP_add_compression_method (3ssl) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compressio...
SSL_CTX_add_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode (3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_get_timeout (3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_remove_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_accept (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size (3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_CTX_sess_hits (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_misses (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_number (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size (3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side e...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sessions (3ssl) - access internal session cache
SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session...
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode (3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context (3ssl) - set context within which session can ...
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version (3ssl) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_CTX_set_timeout (3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb (3ssl) - set a callback for session ticket p...
SSL_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_get_cipher_version (3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_default_timeout (3ssl) - get default session timeout value
SSL_get_session (3ssl) - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
SSL_get_version (3ssl) - get the protocol version of a connection.
SSL_has_matching_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs...
SSL_remove_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_SESSION_free (3ssl) - free an allocated SSL_SESSION structure
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - internal application specific data func...
SSL_SESSION_get_time (3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeou...
SSL_SESSION_get_timeout (3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and tim...
SSL_session_reused (3ssl) - query whether a reused session was negotiated dur...
SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_set_time (3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeou...
SSL_SESSION_set_timeout (3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and tim...
SSL_set_generate_session_id (3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs...
SSL_set_session (3ssl) - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
SSL_set_session_id_context (3ssl) - set context within which session can be r...
SSLeay (3ssl)        - get OpenSSL version number
SSLeay_version (3ssl) - get OpenSSL version number
string_to_av_perm (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values a...
string_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
strverscmp (3)       - compare two version strings
svn (1)              - Subversion command line client tool
svnadmin (1)         - Subversion repository administration tool
svndumpfilter (1)    - Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
svnlook (1)          - Subversion repository examination tool
svnmucc (1)          - Multiple URL Command Client for Subversion
svnrdump (1)         - Subversion remote repository dumper and loader
svnsync (1)          - Subversion repository synchronization tool
svnversion (1)       - Produce a compact version identifier for a working copy.
swprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
systemd-system.conf (5) - System and session service manager configuration file
systemd-user-sessions (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logi...
systemd-user-sessions.service (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit u...
systemd-user.conf (5) - System and session service manager configuration file
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession (3perl) - Harness output delegate fo...
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session (3perl) - Harness output delegate for defaul...
TAP::Formatter::File::Session (3perl) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::Session (3perl) - Abstract base class for harness output dele...
TAP::Parser::Result::Version (3perl) - TAP syntax version token.
tar (1)              - The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
tcgetsid (3)         - get session ID
Test::Warn (3pm)     - Perl extension to test methods for warnings
Text::Iconv (3pm)    - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
threads::shared (3perl) - Perl extension for sharing data structures between ...
timezone (3)         - initialize time conversion information
tlsmgr (8postfix)    - Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG manager
tzname (3)           - initialize time conversion information
tzset (3)            - initialize time conversion information
update-pciids (8)    - download new version of the PCI ID list
update-service (8)   - add/remove a service to/from system-wide service super...
update-usbids (8)    - download new version of the USB ID list
USB_DEVICE_VER (9)   - describe a specific usb device with a version range
usb_string (9)       - returns UTF-8 version of a string descriptor
utimensat (2)        - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
UUID (3pm)           - Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in...
version (1ssl)       - print OpenSSL version information
version (3perl)      - Perl extension for Version Objects
version::Internals (3perl) - Perl extension for Version Objects
versionsort (3)      - scan a directory for matching entries
vfprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
vfscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vfwprintf (3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vimdiff (1)          - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
vprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
vscanf (3)           - input format conversion
vsnprintf (3)        - formatted output conversion
vsprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
vsscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vswprintf (3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vwprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
wngroups (7WN)       - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar ver...
wordexp (3)          - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordfree (3)         - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wprintf (3)          - formatted wide-character output conversion
wvVersion (1)        - view word document's version #
WWW::RobotRules (3pm) - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
X11::Protocol (3pm)  - Perl module for the X Window System Protocol, version 11
X11::Protocol::Ext::BIG_REQUESTS (3pm) - Perl module for the X11 protocol Big...
X11::Protocol::Ext::DPMS (3pm) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol DPMS Extension
X11::Protocol::Ext::RENDER (3pm) - Perl module for the X Rendering Extension
X11::Protocol::Ext::SHAPE (3pm) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol Nonrectang...
X11::Protocol::Ext::XC_MISC (3pm) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol XC-MISC ...
X11::Protocol::Ext::XFree86_Misc (3pm) - Perl module for the XFree86 Misc Ext...
x509v3_config (5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
xml2-config (1)      - script to get information about the installed version ...
xrandr (1)           - primitive command line interface to RandR extension
Xsession (5)         - initialize X session
Xsession.options (5) - configuration options for Xsession (5)
xvinfo (1)           - Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xzegrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep (1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
z8530_tx_begin (9)   - Begin packet transmission
zegrep (1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zfgrep (1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce (1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep (1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zlib (3)             - compression/decompression library
zpcregrep (1)        - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
zshexpn (1)          - zsh expansion and substitution

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